Turns out the colocation costs $672/year for the network, and another $780/year 
for power, so I don’t think Voxility is very feasible for an exit node without 
bargaining with them.

> If anyone knows of a good way of finding high-bandwidth budget
> dedicated servers (a search term or a list of providers, for example),
> please share. I expected there to be more of a market for this kind of
> thing than I've found.

I recently rented a dedi from Online.net <http://online.net/> 
<http://www.online.net/en/dedicated-server/dedibox-xc>) which offers unmetered 
b/w, but I’ve heard bad things about the network.
I’ll do some testing this weekend on whether or not I can get the full 150Mb/s 

> On Nov 27, 2014, at 5:39 PM, Libertas <liber...@mykolab.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> On 11/25/2014 02:29 PM, Syrup-tan wrote:
>> The colocation isn’t cheap to say the least, and it only gives
>> 5TB/month unless we want to pay more per month;
> This may the largest logistical problem I've encountered when looking
> for dedicated servers intended to be exit nodes. For most providers,
> even expensive and powerful servers (16+ GB of RAM, 8+ cores) will
> come with 2-10 TB of monthly bandwidth. Because much cheaper servers
> can saturate a 100 Mbps link (IIRC) and thereby greatly exceed those
> limits, buying such packages just doesn't make sense. The additional
> bandwidth prices are usually strangely high, too. The pricing is often
> progressive - each additional terabyte costs more than the last.
> If anyone knows of a good way of finding high-bandwidth budget
> dedicated servers (a search term or a list of providers, for example),
> please share. I expected there to be more of a market for this kind of
> thing than I've found.
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> =41yu
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