Hello everyone,

I have an interesting problem. I am monitoring my relay using arm. I am
getting the following warnings:

>05:56:12 [WARN] Received directory with skewed time (server ''):
It seems that our clock is behind by 1 hours, 0 minutes, or that theirs is
ahead. Tor requires an accurate clock to work: please check your time,
timezone, and date settings.

Most of the messages tell me that my clock is an hour behind. However, I
also get these messages occasionally (but not as often):
>02:07:27 [WARN] Our clock is 52 minutes, 35 seconds behind the time
published in the consensus network status document (2014-11-14 02:00:00
UTC).  Tor needs an accurate clock to work correctly. Please check your
time and date settings!

I am running a Tor exit relay on a FreeBSD VPS. Said VPS is in Czech
Republic. If I set the time to CET, it is 1 hour behind true CET (GMT+1);
therefore, I have it set to EET (GMT+2.)  I have verified the time is
correct in Czech Republic. This problem is rather frustrating because it is
causing my server to throw away circuit data as old data.

Could someone shine some light on this?

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