Nope, I don’t have any special pluggable transports configured in my torrc, 
which is odd. What other processes would for be starting kicking off? All I 
have set in torrc is: RunAsDaemon, CookieAuthentication, SocksPort / 
SocksPolicy, PortForwarding and ExitPolicy (reject *:*), and 

I do have tor compiled by gentoo’s portage package manager, with the 
for-hardening, bufferedevents, threads, and nat-pmp flags set.

~ M.

On Sep 18, 2013, at 5:57 PM, Roger Dingledine <> wrote:

> On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 05:49:10PM -0400, Michael Gorbach wrote:
>> Hi, I started up a Tor relay several days ago, and the usage seems to be 
>> ramping up nicely. However, I am seeing some unexpected messages like this, 
>> in ARM and in the tor log files:
>> 17:21:56 [NOTICE] Failed to terminate process with PID ?29778'
> Did you add any pluggable transports lines to your torrc?
> That line sounds like you tried to launch a pluggable transport process
> (e.g. obfsproxy, flashproxy, etc) but it didn't launch correctly. Perhaps
> you have some other hints earlier in the logs, like when it boots?
>> They seem to be showing up, reliably, every 5 minutes or so. Each has a
>> different PID. What?s strange is that these PIDs don?t exist by the time
>> I see the message, i.e. I guess whatever process had that PID is now dead.
> I guess that too.
> --Roger
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