On 09/04/13 20:46, krishna e bera wrote:
> On Tue, 9 Apr 2013 22:59:06 +0600
> Roman Mamedov <r...@romanrm.ru> wrote:
>> On Tue, 9 Apr 2013 12:50:09 -0400
>> krishna e bera <k...@cyblings.on.ca> wrote:
>>> So at the risk of being labelled a BadExit (or at best a non-net-neutral 
>>> exit) i
>>> blocked all of ThePirateBay's ip addresses from my exit node for a
>>> while.
>> I assume you mean firewall-based blocking? You could have simply rejected
>> those IPs via ExitPolicy (see "man tor"). That's a clear-cut way to tell the
>> network you don't accept connections to those IPs, and no risk of being
>> labeled a BadExit.
> The latter.  I dont know if it complicates routing decisions in the Tor
> network to have lots of ip address exceptions at the exits...
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It possibly does slightly but we are talking about the sort of
"complication" that a modern CPU can resolve in timescales short enough
I doubt it would make that much difference especially if hash tables
were used if ipset match can handle hash table lookups containing over
20,000 CIDR ranges while processing 75,000 packets per second I suspect
tor could easily be made to efficiently use a similar mechanism, if it
doesn't already in order to perform the lookups to compute the answer to
"What is the subset of exit nodes allowing exit to IP addr X on port Y?"
to come close to the same volume of lookups as the above setup with just
over 1k exit nodes the client would need to be building 70+ circuits per
second assuming a separate lookup table was used for every node, two
factors make me think it's unlikely to go anywhere near this load and if
it did that it would only be for brief periods of time as opposed to
constant as in the former example, those being that I don't see many
exit nodes ever having policies 20k entries long and I can't see that
many clients needing to connect to 70+ IP address per second at least
not on any continual basis perhaps short bursts (Opening a browser and
restoring a few dozen tabs at once or something similar).

Bittorrent may be an exception to the above but the performance cost
would be at the clients end and for one bittorrent is hardly a realtime
protocol a little delay making each connection would not make much
difference, two it performs poorly if you insist on running it over tor
anyway and thirdly the average consumer desktop system is not exactly
lacking spare CPU cycles due to the bursty nature of their workloads
they statistically tend to spend the majority of their time idling.

Maybe someone can correct me if I missed something glaringly obvious but
I certainly don't think anyone should be reluctant to add any exit
policy entries they deem necessary at least not for this reason.

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