On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 4:40 PM, Andy Isaacson <a...@hexapodia.org> wrote:
> Noisetor is showing a significant, sustained drop in bandwidth usage
> starting approximately February 7-8.  We've checked our setup and logs
> and there doesn't appear to be any sign of a causative factor here.
> Throughout January and the first week of February we were averaging
> 400-500 Mbps.  There was a pretty smooth decline down on the 8th,
> stabilizing at a "new normal" of 200-300 Mbps which we've maintained
> since then.  (All these numbers are based on Munin graphs of eth0
> throughput using the if_ plugin.)
> I have some hacky Python that summarizes the torstatus.blutmagie.de
> data, and it appears that other exits didn't see a similar drop; but our
> drop came a few hours to days after torservers added a significant
> amount of new bandwidth.  (However, total exit BW reported in torstatus
> did not increase much; if anything it seems to have gone down slightly.)
> Around the same time, Amunet rose from ~150 Mbps to ~450 Mbps and has
> remained in that range since.
> Thoughts?

Its probably the new blockade on SSL in Iran
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