Hello Chiem Dao Davan,

validation only works with Models and Graphs, not on whole Datasets. However, 
you can construct a single Model that is the union of all graphs when you 
create a MultiUnion graph from all graphs in the dataset, then wrap the 
MultiUnion into a Model using ModelFactory.


> On 12 Jun 2024, at 3:18 PM, Davan CHIEM DAO <d.chiem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am researching how different SHACL engines perform validation on a RDF 
> dataset.
> My main question is: 'Is it possible to specify the whole dataset as "data 
> graph"?'
> I already tried a few things without much success, the closest I got to what 
> I what to achieve is: 
> ValidationEngine validationEngine = new 
> ValidationEngineFactory().create(dataSet, shapesUri, shapesGraph, null);
> Resource report = validationEngine.validateAll();
> However, this only performs validation against the default graph and some 
> constraints such as sh:property are not checked.
> Thanks,
> Chiem Dao Davan
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