Apologies, you are right. I even found a ticket in our Jira system from
2017 where we wanted to update this but it fell through the cracks. The
problem is that the Sorted Turtle writer uses an outdated base library
that we cloned from an earlier Jena version. We'll try to fix that for 7.1.
On 2021-06-02 6:03 pm, 'Bohms, H.M. (Michel)' via TopBraid Suite Users
Hi Holger,
Are you sure? latest Turtle says:
<https://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/#grammar-production-PN_CHARS_U>|| |'|:|'
|| |[|0-9|] || |PLX
<https://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/#grammar-production-PLX>) ((PN_CHARS
<https://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/#grammar-production-PN_CHARS>|| |'|.|'
|| |'|:|' || |PLX
<https://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/#grammar-production-PLX>)|*| (PN_CHARS
<https://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/#grammar-production-PN_CHARS> || |'|:|'
|| |PLX <https://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/#grammar-production-PLX>))?
It was not allowed in the 2008 variant hence (see red):
D.4 Changes from January 2008 Team Submission
<http://www.w3.org/TeamSubmission/2008/SUBM-turtle-20080114/> to
First Public Working Draft
* Adopted three additional string syntaxes from SPARQL:
* Adopted SPARQL's syntax for prefixed names (see editor's draft
o '.'s in names in all positions of a local name apart from the
first or last, e.g. |ex:first.name|.
o digits in the first character of the PN_LOCAL
<http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/#rPN_LOCAL> lexical
token, e.g. |ex:7tm|.
* adopted SPARQL's IRI resolution and prefix substitution text.
* explicitly allowed re-use of the same prefix.
* Added parsing rules <https://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/#sec-parsing>.
Dr. ir. H.M. (Michel) Bohms
Scientist Specialist
Structural Reliability
T +31 (0)88 866 31 07
M +31 (0)63 038 12 20
E michel.bo...@tno.nl <mailto:michel.bo...@tno.nl>
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<topbraid-users@googlegroups.com> *Namens *Holger Knublauch
*Verzonden:* woensdag 2 juni 2021 03:40
*Aan:* topbraid-users@googlegroups.com
*Onderwerp:* Re: [topbraid-users] render issue in case of uuid code as
We use slightly different serialization algorithms across tools but
local names cannot start with digits so writing the full URI is correct.
If you just export "Turtle" from EDG or save to Turtle from TBC you'll
get test_uuid:675d0ae5-d8eb-49b7-867f-80ba8c0b09e9 while Sorted Turtle
will produce
which is more correct AFAIK. Both can be parsed though, so it
shouldn't matter too much.
On 2021-06-01 10:14 pm, 'Bohms, H.M. (Michel)' via TopBraid Suite
Users wrote:
Dear tq
I have asked earlier but I could not refind….
I have:
rdf:type skos:Concept ;
dct:source "IMBOR2021beta"@NL-nl ;
skos:broader nen2660-term:InformationObject ;
skos:definition "Informatieobject voor het registreren en koppelen
van documenten aan objecttypes."@NL-nl
skos:prefLabel "Document"@NL-nl ;
So name is UUID code.
Despite prefixes are fine TBC does not use prefix in interface now.
Think I reported earlier.
(when I change uuid number into “Document” things render fine again)
Gr michel
Dr. ir. H.M. (Michel) Bohms
Scientist Specialist
Structural Reliability
T +31 (0)88 866 31 07
M +31 (0)63 038 12 20
E michel.bo...@tno.nl <mailto:michel.bo...@tno.nl>
Location <http://www.tno.nl/locations/DTS>
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