Well, I was having that issue wit pop3s, finally just moved to dovecot to roll it out using dovecot instead

Edvin Seferovic wrote, On 6/13/2009 5:42 PM:

I am not sure what that has to do with pop3? J

@Bill.. what is your opinion on dovecot? Will there be any new updates to the toaster in the near future?



*From:* Satish Alwani [mailto:as...@assid.com]
*Sent:* Samstag, 13. Juni 2009 13:25
*To:* toaster@shupp.org
*Subject:* Re: [toaster] adding pop3ds to an existing qmail rollout

Actually I just moved it to dovecot. Took me a few mins to do it.. and voila, rolled out

Also maybe an update is required to the toasters guide. no offence to courier-imap, but its comparitively heavy compared to dovecot. I know im probably gonna invite some flame war here. But I think it actually is easier to deploy and lighter and quicker too :D

Edvin Seferovic wrote, On 6/13/2009 4:50 PM:


you need the Diffie-Helman parameters at the start of your servercert.pem file ! Just copy the dh512.pem at the beginning ! I also had such problems when I tried to use SSL with a normal ( not self signed ) certificate.



*From:* Satish Alwani [mailto:as...@assid.com]
*Sent:* Samstag, 13. Juni 2009 11:18
*To:* toaster@shupp.org <mailto:toaster@shupp.org>
*Subject:* [toaster] adding pop3ds to an existing qmail rollout


I already had a qmail + toaster rollout. Now I plan to add pop3s. This is however now causing me errors. Anyone know whats up and how to fix this?

@400000004a336e0a19fd4454 tcpserver: ok 30846 0:::ffff: :::ffff: @400000004a336e0a1a14d394 2009.06.13 14:44:40 LOG5[30846:3082819264]: Using 'qmail-popup' as tcpwrapper service name @400000004a336e0a1a3a5cf4 2009.06.13 14:44:40 LOG5[30846:3082819264]: Could not load DH parameters from /var/qmail/control/servercert.pem @400000004a336e0a1a3a8404 2009.06.13 14:44:40 LOG4[30846:3082819264]: Diffie-Hellman initialization failed @400000004a336e0a1a44c8ec 2009.06.13 14:44:40 LOG3[30846:3082819264]: Error reading certificate file: /var/qmail/control/servercert.pem @400000004a336e0a1a452a94 2009.06.13 14:44:40 LOG3[30846:3082819264]: SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file: error:0906D06C:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:no start line
@400000004a336e0a1a4fd8f4 tcpserver: end 30846 status 256

Satish Alwani

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