Check out the start of this article for how to get supervise working on
They changed things quite a bit on the newer version of Ubuntu. There
are other ways of
doing it, but that was one of the first ones that came up on google.
I am newbie to qmail, after upgrade my mail server from Ubuntu Dapper to
Hardy qmail is not working. System is a 32 bit Dell server running Ubuntu
8.04 now.
I tried qmailctl restart and obtain :
Restarting qmail:
* Stopping qmail-smtpd.
svc: warning: unable to control /service/qmail-smtpd: supervise not running
* Sending qmail-send SIGTERM and restarting.
svc: warning: unable to control /service/qmail-send: supervise not running
* Restarting qmail-smtpd.
svc: warning: unable to control /service/qmail-smtpd: supervise not running
r...@server:/usr/lib# vpopmailctl stat
/service/qmail-pop3d: supervise not running
/service/qmail-pop3d/log: supervise not running
/service/qmail-pop3ds: supervise not running
/service/qmail-pop3ds/log: supervise not running
Supervise is not running at all, i need help, what can I do , need to fast
solve it.
Manuel Castro