
Looking at the qmailctl file in toaster_scripts I see that the cdb option has the following logic:

   if ! 'POP_AUTH_OPEN_RELAY 1' is in  ~vpopmail/include/config.h

      update the tcprules file for qmail-smtpd

      run clearopensmtp


Personally I wish smtp after pop would fade away, but since it hasn't it seems to me these should not be mutually exclusive. Just because you are running with --enable-roaming-users doesn't eliminate the need to update your tcp.smtp.cdb file.

seems to me it would be better as:

   update the tcprules file for qmail-smtpd

   if 'POP_AUTH_OPEN_RELAY 1' is in  ~vpopmail/include/config.h
      run clearopensmtp


It would be even better as two separate commands, but then I would have to come up with a good name for it, so it probably won't happen this way.

What do you think?   Anyone...



My project is coming along well...   here is my current versions.xml file:

<netqmail>1.06</netqmail>                   <-----
<vpopmail>5.4.27</vpopmail>                 <-----
<dovecot>1.1.11</dovecot>                   <-----
<squirrelmail>1.4.17</squirrelmail>         <-----
<clamav>0.94.2</clamav>                     <-----
<simscan>1.4.0</simscan>                    <-----

A couple more weekends and it should be ready.

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