I support adoption of this draft. 

> Op 26 feb 2025, om 20:16 heeft Christopher Wood <c...@heapingbits.net> het 
> volgende geschreven:
> As I understand it, the purpose of this draft is to specify an interoperable 
> key exchange mechanism that we can deploy. The draft already has code points 
> allocated to it, and they exist in the registry 
> <https://www.iana.org/assignments/tls-parameters/tls-parameters.xhtml#tls-parameters-8>,
>  so I wonder: what is the point of adopting this draft when the important 
> work is already done? If it’s that some folks won’t implement it until 
> there’s an RFC number assigned to it, well, that’s pretty silly. I support 
> adoption if it helps this work get implemented more broadly, but I think it’s 
> worth asking whether or not this is a good use of an already busy working 
> group’s time.

I agree with Chris’s point, but as others have also echoed, third parties don’t 
seem to really appreciate the finer points of the levels of IETF 

I recently read this in the UK NCSC’s guidance on PQC:

> The NCSC strongly advises that operational systems should use protocol 
> implementations based on RFCs, not on Internet Drafts.


So it seems we either have a lot of educating to do, or we can just settle for 
adopting a few more drafts while acknowledging that it’s slightly performative.



> Best,
> Chris
>> On Feb 26, 2025, at 1:26 PM, Sean Turner <s...@sn3rd.com> wrote:
>> At IETF 121, the WG discussed “Post-Quantum Hybrid ECDHE-MLKEM Key Agreement 
>> for TLSv1.3”; see [0] and [1]. We also had some discussion in an information 
>> gathering thread; see [2]. We would like to now determine whether there is 
>> support to adopt this I-D. If you support adoption and are willing to review 
>> and contribute text, please send a message to the list. If you do not 
>> support adoption of this I-D, please send a message to the list and indicate 
>> why. This WG adoption call will close at 2359 UTC on 12 March 2025.
>> One special note: this adoption call has nothing to do with picking the 
>> mandatory-to-implement cipher suites in TLS.
>> Thanks,
>> Sean & Joe
>> [0] Link to I-D: 
>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-kwiatkowski-tls-ecdhe-mlkem/
>> [1] Link to slides: 
>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/121/materials/slides-121-tls-post-quantum-hybrid-ecdhe-mlkem-key-agreement-for-tlsv13-00
>> [2] Link to information gather thread: 
>> https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/tls/yGZV5dBTcxHJhG-JtfaP6beTd68/
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