Hi all, Just wanted to highlight a blog post we just published. https://blog.cloudflare.com/another-look-at-pq-signatures/ At the end we share some statistics that may be of interest:
On average, around 15 million TLS connections are established with > Cloudflare per second. Upgrading each to ML-DSA, would take 1.8Tbps, which > is 0.6% of our current total network capacity. No problem so far. The > question is how these extra bytes affect performance. > Back in 2021, we ran a large-scale experiment to measure the impact of big > post-quantum certificate chains on connections to Cloudflare’s network over > the open Internet. There were two important results. First, we saw a steep > increase in the rate of client and middlebox failures when we added more > than 10kB to existing certificate chains. Secondly, when adding less than > 9kB, the slowdown in TLS handshake time would be approximately 15%. We felt > the latter is workable, but far from ideal: such a slowdown is noticeable > and people might hold off deploying post-quantum certificates before it’s > too late. Chrome is more cautious and set 10% as their target for maximum TLS > handshake time regression. They report that deploying post-quantum key > agreement has already incurred a 4% slowdown in TLS handshake time, for the > extra 1.1kB from server-to-client and 1.2kB from client-to-server. That > slowdown is proportionally larger than the 15% we found for 9kB, but that > could be explained by slower upload speeds than download speeds. > There has been pushback against the focus on TLS handshake times. One > argument is that session resumption alleviates the need for sending the > certificates again. A second argument is that the data required to visit a > typical website dwarfs the additional bytes for post-quantum certificates. > One example is this 2024 publication, where Amazon researchers have > simulated the impact of large post-quantum certificates on data-heavy TLS > connections. They argue that typical connections transfer multiple requests > and hundreds of kilobytes, and for those the TLS handshake slowdown > disappears in the margin. > Are session resumption and hundreds of kilobytes over a connection typical > though? We’d like to share what we see. We focus on QUIC connections, which > are likely initiated by browsers or browser-like clients. Of all QUIC > connections with Cloudflare that carry at least one HTTP request, 37% are > resumptions, meaning that key material from a previous TLS connection is > reused, avoiding the need to transmit certificates. The median number of > bytes transferred from server-to-client over a resumed QUIC connection is > 4.4kB, while the average is 395kB. For non-resumptions the median is 7.8kB > and average is 551kB. This vast difference between median and average > indicates that a small fraction of data-heavy connections skew the average. > In fact, only 15.8% of all QUIC connections transfer more than 100kB. > The median certificate chain today (with compression) is 3.2kB. That means > that almost 40% of all data transferred from server to client on more than > half of the non-resumed QUIC connections are just for the certificates, and > this only gets worse with post-quantum algorithms. For the majority of QUIC > connections, using ML-DSA as a drop-in replacement for classical signatures > would more than double the number of transmitted bytes over the lifetime of > the connection. > It sounds quite bad if the vast majority of data transferred for a typical > connection is just for the post-quantum certificates. It’s still only a > proxy for what is actually important: the effect on metrics relevant to the > end-user, such as the browsing experience (e.g. largest contentful paint) > and the amount of data those certificates take from a user’s monthly data > cap. We will continue to investigate and get a better understanding of the > impact. Best, Bas
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