Oh, I think almost certainly. They may not feel the need to say anything
unless they find a flaw, but they are here. You can see them working in
rustls etc. Lots of other big company people are like this, just
contributing via a consumer email address. They don't usually hide it, but
sometimes you're like "hmm, that must have taken a lot of time, so who is
this person?"

In this case, one can observe that there's a credible AWS backend for
rustls for "TLS 1.3 Encrypted Client Hello". These things require pretty
new RFCs, like https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9180


On Sat, Jun 1, 2024 at 3:46 PM Tim Bray <tb...@textuality.com> wrote:

> Is anyone from AWS active on the WG?  When I left AWS a few years back,
> they had a very active group entirely dedicated to this kind of work, and
> any version of TLS is obviously relevant to AWS. Might be worth reaching
> out to them.
> On Jun 1, 2024 at 1:32:20 PM, Eric Rescorla <e...@rtfm.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for posting this.
>> It's great to see the triage panel coming together. This is very
>> thorough and helpful.
>> My take-home from this report is that the security properties of
>> 8773-bis are not immediately obvious and therefore that prior to
>> advancing it we should actually have some sort of more formal analysis
>> using a tool like Tamarin/Proverif, etc.
>> I did want to address one point from Russ's response:
>> > Who will perform this analysis?  I asked a researcher to perform
>> > such an analysis, and the response was that it is too simple to get
>> > a paper.  Now waht?
>> Fundamentally, the IETF is a volunteer organization and it's up to
>> the WG members who are interested in a document to bring it any time
>> we have a requirement for a document to advance, the authors and the
>> WG need to find a way to fulfill it. This is true both for subjective
>> requirements (i.e., document has to be of high quality) and objective
>> ones. For example, RFC 6410 requires
>>    There are at least two independent interoperating implementations
>>    with widespread deployment and successful operational experience.
>> The IETF doesn't have a mechanism for producing these implementations;
>> that's the responsibility of the WG and the community at large, and
>> if there is insufficient interest to produced these implementations,
>> then the specification doesn't advance. I would note that the
>> TLS WG has already held some documents from advancing to PS
>> until there was sufficient implementation experience, so it's not
>> just about 6410.
>> Similarly here, if the WG feels that a change is sufficiently large to
>> require formal analysis then the WG -- and more specifically those who
>> want the work to move forward -- need to figure out how to get that
>> analysis done, though of course the triage panel or the broader
>> community might help facilitate if there is enough demand or interest
>> in the work.
>> Some more detailed thoughts on the panel review below.
>> I did have one question about the format of the report. I see a
>> lot of "I statements". I assume these are (potentially) different
>> people's comments aggregated together, not all the same person?
>> I know it's more work but it might be more helpful if future reports
>> were structured in a slightly more narrative fashion.
>> Here is a summary across all participants:
>> > On changes made by the 8773bis draft to TLS 1.3 and on the draft
>> > itself:
>> >
>> > The draft adds an extension to negotiate a handshake using both a PSK
>> > and certificates for authentication. The draft makes specific claims
>> > around PQ confidentiality if the PSK is secret and forward secrecy
>> > when the PSK is destroyed. The claims the draft makes around
>> > authentication based on the PSK aren't clear to me on the first
>> > reading and would likely need some refinement prior to analysis.
>> I think this is the heart of the question: should I be inferring
>> anything about the counterparty's identity based on them knowing
>> the PSK and if so, what?
>> > I found the RFC unclear on how the extension should be used in
>> > subsequent sessions. They wrote: "Since the "tls_cert_with_extern_psk"
>> > extension is intended to be used only with initial handshakes,…”. So
>> > let’s say you use the extension in a first session with an external
>> > PSK + cert. Must the PSK generated from that session ticket be used in
>> > subsequent sessions with their extension , i.e. cert + psk, or can it
>> > go back to “normal mode”, i.e. psk only without cert? I’m not sure how
>> > this behaves specially w.r.t. to their goal of being safe against
>> > CRQC.
>> My sense is that because the resumed keys are all derived from the
>> original PSK, that they would also be CRQC-resistant.
>> With that said, I don't understand how resumption is supposed to work
>> in practice S 5.1 says.
>> > The "pre_shared_key" extension is defined in Section 4.2.11 of
>> > [RFC8446]. The syntax is repeated below for convenience. All of the
>> > listed PSKs MUST be external PSKs. If a resumption PSK is listed along
>> > with the "tls_cert_with_extern_psk" extension, the server MUST abort
>> > the handshake with an "illegal_parameter" alert.
>> One of the basic assumptions of TLS 1.3 is that the server can choose
>> whether to resume or not and the handshake completes either way.
>> However, this restriction makes that impossible because the client
>> must offer *either* the external or resumption PSK. If it offers
>> the external PSK resumption is not possible and if it offers the
>> resumption PSK and the server is not willing to resume then
>> the external PSK is not used.
>> -Ekr
>> On Mon, May 20, 2024 at 3:06 PM Deirdre Connolly <
>> durumcrustu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello! We're back with some feedback from our triage panel on 8773bis.
>>> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tls-8773bis/> We had
>>> participation from all members of the panel this time around (🎉).
>>> Some high-level takeaways:
>>> - agreement that more clarity in the document about the intended
>>> security goals is needed
>>> - support for a proper security analysis to shore up the security
>>> arguments: for authentication properties, a Tamarin analysis may do
>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>> Here is a summary across all participants:
>>> *On changes made by the 8773bis draft to TLS 1.3 and on the draft
>>> itself:*
>>> The draft adds an extension to negotiate a handshake using both a PSK
>>> and certificates for authentication. The draft makes specific claims around
>>> PQ confidentiality if the PSK is secret and forward secrecy when the PSK is
>>> destroyed. The claims the draft makes around authentication based on the
>>> PSK aren't clear to me on the first reading and would likely need some
>>> refinement prior to analysis.
>>> I think the draft could be a little more precise in what it's trying to
>>> achieve, which would also help the security arguments.
>>> I agree that the draft could be clearer on what the security goals it's
>>> trying to achieve are.
>>> The language in Section 7 about the assumptions on the PRF is not quite
>>> right:
>>> > This extension provides the desired protection for the session
>>> secrets, as long as HMAC with the selected hash function is a pseudorandom
>>> function (PRF) [GGM1986].
>>> It should actually be assuming the dual PRF security of HMAC, since the
>>> TLS key schedule uses the PSK and other chaining inputs sometimes in the
>>> first input of HMAC, sometimes in the second.
>>> the informal security arguments in some related documents (eg
>>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc9257,
>>> https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc9258.html ) seem much better worked
>>> out.
>>> More clarity about the exact claimed additional security is required.
>>> I found the RFC unclear on how the extension should be used in
>>> subsequent sessions. They wrote: "Since the "tls_cert_with_extern_psk"
>>> extension is intended to be used only with initial handshakes,…”. So let’s
>>> say you use the extension in a first session with an external PSK + cert.
>>> Must the PSK generated from that session ticket be used in subsequent
>>> sessions with their extension , i.e. cert + psk, or can it go back to
>>> “normal mode”, i.e. psk only without cert? I’m not sure how this behaves
>>> specially w.r.t. to their goal of being safe against CRQC.
>>> *Does the draft invalidate the previous security analyses?*
>>> Yes. Although the draft has an informal sketch that it doesn't make the
>>> key derivation in a particular handshake 'worse', this doesn't immediately
>>> rule out any awkward cross-handshake interactions.
>>> This is a reasonable extension to TLS 1.3 and can be done in a way that
>>> does not affect the existing security guarantees of the protocol. I am
>>> curious whether using such a PSK breaks the privacy guarantees of ECH, and
>>> whether those two extensions are compatible.
>>> The extension's "security argument" in the extension's text is invalid:
>>> it is not obvious that this extension only improves security. I don't
>>> immediately see how it would degrade base TLS security, though a proper
>>> analysis would make me more confident; I'd be wondering how the "context"
>>> of this particular mode is clearly separate from (preventing message
>>> confusion), and carried through (transcript/state towards e.g.
>>> resumption/post-handshake authentication), w.r.t. other modes. It could
>>> well be that in the presence of an active attacker, the new mode doesn't
>>> offer *additional* security because of its interaction with similar modes.
>>> In such a case, the extension would offer little benefit.
>>> *Does the change merit an updated analysis?*
>>> I think so. Although I like to think the TLS1.3 key derivation is pretty
>>> robust, it's hard to think through the various types of handshake and how
>>> they could be composed by an attacker - especially when the PSK might be
>>> used in multiple modes by multiple parties.
>>> The main question to ask, other than whether this extension breaks prior
>>> analyses, is what are the new guarantees it provides: that will indeed
>>> require new analysis.
>>> I see much more need for analysis when it comes to the authentication
>>> properties of the PSK (psk/cert combination), whereas the secrecy (assuming
>>> authentication is a non-goal) is much more straightforward.
>>> I agree with the above.
>>> I'd delineate between confidentiality and authentication, and then be
>>> clear about to what extent hybrid security is being expected:
>>> - For confidentiality: I guess hybrid confidentiality is desired,
>>> meaning that session keys are secure if either the external PSK is
>>> unbroken, or ECDH is unbroken (and if the ephemeral key exchange is
>>> actually hybrid traditional+PQ, then it's actually a 3-way hybrid)
>>> - For authentication: Is there a desire for a hybrid authentication
>>> property based on the external PSK?  Or is one only relying on the public
>>> key certificate for authentication?
>>> As for the confidentiality analysis: the fixed key schedule already
>>> provides locations for putting all the relevant inputs in and that's part
>>> of the existing analyses of TLS, so I don't think you'd get any surprises
>>> there.
>>> The current security argument is insufficient and there should be a
>>> meaningful security analysis.
>>> *If so, what type / scope / effort is required?*
>>> Symbolic analysis (Tamarin, ProVerif) would be suitable for identifying
>>> / eliminating cross-protocol attacks. Extending the existing models seems
>>> feasible.
>>> For the authentication analysis, I think here a Tamarin-like analysis
>>> might be useful for checking undesirable interactions; for example, could
>>> anything go wrong if a single PSK is used both as a traditional PSK but
>>> also as an external PSK?
>>> -------------------------------------------------------
>>> I want to express major thanks to our triage panel for their
>>> participation and expertise here! Now it's up to WG to discuss what to do
>>> with this analysis. 😁
>>> Cheers,
>>> Deirdre, for the chairs
>>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 11:36 AM Deirdre Connolly <
>>> durumcrustu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello everyone! We're kicking off our TLS 1.3 formal analysis triage
>>>> panel.
>>>> We have these volunteers participating:
>>>> - Douglas Stebila
>>>> - Dennis Jackson
>>>> - Franziskus Kiefer
>>>> - Cas Cremers
>>>> - Karthikeyan Bhargavan
>>>> - Vincent Cheval
>>>> Some of them are on this list, some are not, major welcomes and thank
>>>> yous all around!
>>>> I will link to my write up to the working group
>>>> <https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/tls/RupKEHeJdAzxpNEZnRgerk4en1c/>and
>>>> the recording of the most recent meeting
>>>> <https://youtu.be/Oo1UzQtfRYw?feature=shared&t=1485> for more context
>>>> if you want it.
>>>> The goal of the triage panel is to maintain the high degree of
>>>> cryptographic assurance in TLS 1.3 as it evolves as a living protocol. To
>>>> paraphrase a recent analysis of Encrypted Client Hello, one can see three
>>>> prongs motivating formal analysis of changes or extensions to TLS 1.3:
>>>> - Preservation of existing security properties: the authentication,
>>>> integrity, and confidentiality properties that have already been proven are
>>>> preserved
>>>> - New, stronger security properties: such as improved
>>>> privacy demonstrated by ECH, prove that extensions satisfies new goals
>>>> - Downgrade resilience: prove that active attackers cannot downgrade
>>>> the changed/updated/extended protocol to bypass/remove the new guarantees
>>>> These are especially salient for new features like Encrypted Client
>>>> Hello, but I would say the top bullet is the front of mind for most
>>>> proposed documents coming through TLSWG: people want to use TLS 1.3 in new
>>>> settings, in updated contexts, and want to tweak it a bit for their use
>>>> case, and we want to make sure these changes do not degrade the already
>>>> proven security properties of TLS 1.3.
>>>> Here's how I envision this going: every few weeks or so, more
>>>> likely than not spurred by a document introduced at a (March, July,
>>>> November) IETF meeting, we chairs ping the triage panel directly with
>>>> document drafts that we'd like a first pass sniff test on whether these
>>>> proposals:
>>>> - imply a change to previous security analysis assumptions (via pen and
>>>> paper, formal methods tools, computer-aided provers, any/all of the above)
>>>> - whether such a change behooves updated analysis
>>>> - if updated analysis is recommended, of what type, what scope, and
>>>> estimated time to complete, given such and such a person or team
>>>> We (the chairs) will collect responses, collate them, and bring them to
>>>> the working group as part of an adoption call or other working group
>>>> discussions about a document. If this process did not occur (say something
>>>> was adopted long ago and has been dormant but now is being revived etc) we
>>>> may come back and run a similar procedure again. If the working group
>>>> agrees on requiring formal analysis for a document before it goes through a
>>>> last call, we will ask the triage panel for recommendations or advice on
>>>> trying to match the project with a group or a researcher who can work with
>>>> the document authors on delivering the analysis.
>>>> The first thing on deck is 8773bis
>>>> <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tls-8773bis/>, with more
>>>> to come. Hopefully this is useful.
>>>> Yay!
>>>> Deirdre, for the chairs
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