On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 2:27 PM Brendan McMillion <
brendanmcmill...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In your latest message [5], I understand the context of governments
>> pushing for inclusion of certain roots with varying degrees of legitimacy.
>> I don’t see the on-ramp for CA pre-distribution being meaningfully
>> different with Trust Expressions compared to certificate_authorities.
> Sorry, I meant to address this point as well. The difference between TE
> and the certificate_authorities extension, is that there's less widespread
> server support for the latter. You might compel a browser to bifurcate and
> advertise the certificate_authorities extension, but pushing out
> server-side support would be a substantial challenge. Not speaking for
> Google, but I believe their intention /is/ to put in the substantial work
> to make server-side TE support ubiquitous, such that it would be a minor
> ACME config change

The degree of server support is an important consideration. Even with
ubiquitous server-side TE support and servers configured with both a
ubiquitous chain and a government-issued chain, it seems to me this
government push for use of their CA requires a change to server TLS stacks
to prefer the government CA chain since both will match the client's
advertised trust stores. Mandating this server behavior change seems to me
like a heavier lift than just a minor config change. I don't have a good
sense of how it compares to the difficulty of configuring a server stack to
use the certificate_authorities extension. It appears that at least OpenSSL
has support for the certificate_authorities extension (
https://github.com/openssl/openssl/issues/13453), though the application
using OpenSSL needs to implement the certificate selection. With TE, I
imagine that certificate selection will happen inside the TLS stack or a TE
library closely tied to the TLS stack.

I wonder if there are ways to make it harder for a server to choose the
"bad" cert and easier to choose the "good" cert, but this seems like a
social/political problem rather than a technical one.

On Fri, May 24, 2024 at 2:46 PM Watson Ladd <watsonbl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> To be clear, in Denis's scenario Ebonia requires all servers to obtain
> a cert from Honest Ahmed's
> (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=647959) Ebonian Secure
> CA. Server operators who complain that this will break clients are
> told that it will have a trust expression that currently isn't used,
> but government inspectors will use it to see if the cert is installed.
> Then in step 2 they use the number of certs issued to bolster the
> argument for inclusion. I don't see how Trust Expressions isn't making
> this scenario easier.

Sure, the Ebonian government could mandate that all servers get a cert from
Honest Achmed, and provide a specific Ebonia trust store label for the
servers to match against. However, the only time the server would use that
cert chain is when the government inspectors send the Ebonian trust store
label to check if the cert is installed. In step 2 when Ebonia uses the
number of certs from Honest Achmed as part of their argument, it matters
what that count is. Is it the number of certs issued, number of certs
servers are "willing to use" (that's not very well defined), number of
certs that servers are actually using? Of course Ebonia will choose
whatever suits them best, but it also depends where that number came from
and how it was obtained. For example, Ebonia can get a large number of
certs issued by Honest Achmed without Trust Expressions by having Honest
Achmed generate a cert for every cert it sees in CT logs (with the Honest
Achmed leaf using the same public key as in the logged leaf certs so that
they're technically usable by the server). I imagine if Ebonia tried to use
that count of certificates issued as part of their argument for adoption,
there would be outcry about how that volume of cert issuance is
manufactured and meaningless. In the scenario where certs are issued and
delivered to servers, but they only use them in response to the government
inspectors (because those are the only clients that match, this volume of
cert issuance to me seems similarly manufactured and meaningless.

Maybe Trust Expressions makes that scenario ever so slightly easier, but it
seems like this step requires manufacturing false demand/use that would be
fairly clear to see is occurring and discount it when arguing against that
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