I compiled the guile cloned from the TeXmacs git repository and the
compiled TeXmacs does not work with it as well. Since the stable version
compiled from source also fails in the same way, the reason of the crash
is in either the configuration of my system, or the way in which I
compile/link, or the way in which I run.
Aside, I got an impression that the guile source code might need
adjustments, as the failures that happened in my computer might be
general. One issue is that the current version of texinfo cannot
interpret all of the characters in the .texi files. There is also a
segmentation fault that I do not know if it is related to the .texi
files; I fixed it copying code I found in a message of 2012 in the
bug-guile mailing list.
If anyone wants to look at them, I can send the notes that I took while
correcting the files to get the code to compile.
On 05.05.21 20:05, Giovanni wrote:
For today I have an error which is I think the same as
but I need more time to figure out what is happening and make the
compilation work
On 05.05.21 19:34, Giovanni wrote:
May be not. I do not remember what I did, but I may have downloaded
guile 1.8.8 from the Guile archives, and complied and installed that.
Now I am trying to compile and install the one in
If I meet a block that I am not able to overcome I will write again.
On 05.05.21 17:37, Massimiliano Gubinelli wrote:
Are you sure you are linking the cos e with the correct version of
Sent from my iPhone
On 5 May 2021, at 17:11, Giovanni <pired...@posteo.de> wrote:
Do the lines
No such file or directory:
Unbound variable: when
tell you anything?
On 05.05.21 16:52, Massimiliano Gubinelli wrote:
Maybe you corrupted the $HOME/.TeXmacs/system directory?
or maybe TEXMACS_PATH is not correctly set up.
Maybe try to export it instead of putting it on the command line.
On 5. May 2021, at 16:47, Giovanni <pired...@posteo.de> wrote:
Now it does not find libguile.so.17, and when I make it find it,
it crashes :-)
Since in my system I want to keep guile 2 (which I have installed
through the Ubuntu repositories) I have a copy of Guile 1.8 and I
configure ./configure
With this, I do
to make TeXmacs find libguile.so.17 before running TeXmacs as per
Max's instructions
and I get the crash
TeXmacs] std-warning, Couldn't concretize TeXmacs
TeXmacs] std-warning, Couldn't concretize ? (concat, TeXmacs, doc)
TeXmacs] std-warning, Couldn't concretize ? (concat, TeXmacs, ?
(concat, fonts, type1))
TeXmacs] std-warning, Couldn't concretize ? (concat, TeXmacs, ?
(concat, fonts, type1))
TeXmacs] std-warning, Couldn't concretize tuple (concat, TeXmacs,
tuple (concat, progs, tuple (concat, kernel, tuple (concat, boot,
<unnamed port>: In procedure open-file in expression
(primitive-load name):
<unnamed port>: No such file or directory:
TeXmacs] With linked TrueType support
In expression (when (not #) (when # #)):
Unbound variable: when
Throwing widget should be attached
Error message:
widget should be attached
System information:
TeXmacs version : 1.99.19
Built by : giovanni-dev
Building date : Wed May 5 15:42:17 CEST 2021
Operating system : linux-gnu
Vendor : pc
Processor : @CONFIG_HOST_CPU@
Crash date : Mi 05 Mai 2021 16:39:43 CEST
TeXmacs does not yet have a current view
Backtrace of C++ stack:
texmacs.bin() [0x10f7afe]
texmacs.bin() [0x5c4a4f]
texmacs.bin() [0xe2fd26]
texmacs.bin() [0xe304ab]
texmacs.bin() [0xe352c5]
texmacs.bin() [0xe355a8]
texmacs.bin() [0x44ce15]
/home/giovanni-dev/Software/Install/lib/libguile.so.17 : () +
/home/giovanni-dev/Software/Install/lib/libguile.so.17 : () +
/home/giovanni-dev/Software/Install/lib/libguile.so.17 :
scm_c_catch() + 0x153
/home/giovanni-dev/Software/Install/lib/libguile.so.17 :
scm_i_with_continuation_barrier() + 0xb4
/home/giovanni-dev/Software/Install/lib/libguile.so.17 :
scm_c_with_continuation_barrier() + 0x40
/home/giovanni-dev/Software/Install/lib/libguile.so.17 :
scm_i_with_guile_and_parent() + 0x36
/home/giovanni-dev/Software/Install/lib/libguile.so.17 :
scm_boot_guile() + 0x35
texmacs.bin() [0x450d9c]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 : __libc_start_main() + 0xf2
texmacs.bin() [0x449d6e]
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'string'
On 05.05.21 16:22, Massimiliano Gubinelli wrote:
Dear Giovanni,
you do not need to install to run.
From the command line just execute something like
TEXMACS_PATH=./TeXmacs ./TeXmacs/bin/texmacs.bin
and you will run the version you like.
(provided you do it in the right directory)
On 5. May 2021, at 16:20, Giovanni <pired...@posteo.de> wrote:
On 05.05.21 15:46, TeXmacs wrote:
Hi Max,
I looked into all problems. I think that I fixed the first one,
but need feed-back from Giovanni.
I have compiled and installed the current development version,
but I am not confident that I am running it instead of 1.99.19,
as despite I am trying to point my system to the development
version I am still seeing the same configuration of the default
But it may be, as the editor looks a bit different.
In the test I have done I still get the same debug message.
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