> Some system will treat _text/plain_ very serious and override default

app for all text files, including .sh .py .cpp .h .conf .ini .xml

.html etc.

slbtty, could you explicitly list these systems?

---- On Mon, 2021-03-15 19:39:14 denis Raux <denis.r...@lix.polytechnique.fr> 
wrote ----

As I’m not a Linux user I cannot really see the tricky side effects.  As far I  
remember desktop environment behaves differently according the linux 
distribution and desktop manager. As far I remember, it was quite difficult to 
overload the defaults mime types (defined for tex or historic texmacs)  and 
that is done by InitialPreference=99 for KDE Environment. Unfortunately this 
priority applies to every mime types defined  in texmacs.desktop.

On the most downloaded/used Linux distributions (Ubuntu), texmacs installation 
doesn’t change the default text/plain manager (at least with gnome desktop).

That’s said, texmacs is capable of dealing perfectly with text files but it’s 
true there are plenty others set in Linux systems.

I wonder if simply remove texmacs as support of text/plain cannot have side 
effect for example cut/paste functionality.

The solution would be to lower the texmacs priority for text/plain type in 
order to keep the current default. I’ll investigate in this way.


Le 13 mars 2021 à 16:29, Darcy Shen <mailto:sad...@zoho.com.cn> a écrit :

I agree with you.

And here is your PR: https://github.com/texmacs/texmacs/pull/50

Thanks for your contribution.

If your PR actually fixes a bug, I would like to review and apply the patch to 


Denis, what's your opinion?

---- On Wed, 2021-02-17 16:56:47 slb <mailto:shenlebantongy...@gmail.com> wrote 


According to `TeXmacs/misc/mime/texmacs.desktop` [0], texmacs will set

> MimeType=text/x-texmacs.doc;text/x-texmacs.sty;text/plain;text/x-tex;

It includes a _text/plain_ !

Some system will treat _text/plain_ very serious and override default
app for all text files, including .sh .py .cpp .h .conf .ini .xml
.html etc.

The reason is that text/x-python, text/x-c++src,  text/html are all
subtype of _text/plain_.

TeXmacs is obviously not a general purpose text editor like VIM or
Emacs. I do not want to use TeXmacs as source code editor or editing
my configuration files.

Please remove _text/plain_.


In the same time, texmacs rely on scheme source codes, I suggest to
include an "x-scheme".

x-scheme are defined at xdg-shared-mime-info.xml [1] as below. The
shared-mime-info database should be included on most of the modern
GNU/linux distros.
<comment>Scheme source code</comment>
<sub-class-of type="text/plain"/>
<glob pattern="*.scm"/>
<glob pattern="*.ss"/>
<mime-type type="text/x-scheme">

[3] Shared MIME-info Database specification from http://freedesktop.org

Thanks for great software BTW :)

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