Hi Marc,
It is very interesting and useful indeed. The best would be to contact the
designers E. Corcelle and collaborators.
I can try to find his email and get in touch with him in french. The latest
versions of the plugins seem to date from 2009.

Best regards

Le mar. 22 sept. 2020 à 16:40, marc lalaude-labayle <marc.lala...@gmail.com>
a écrit :

> Hi,
> I did a 2 hours training for young math teachers and will do some more
> training for maths and physics teachers in my town. With the success
> TeXmacs encounters, and for my next training I wanted to revive some old
> but really useful plugins produce by Emmanuël Corcelle. Specifically, I'd
> like to know if it is possible to make professor, tablor and figures work
> again : I tried several tricks but without any success.
> I join here the old plugins I saved on my HHD (and that I can't find on
> the net any longer). The webpages explaining the plugins are :
> https://corcelle.wordpress.com/texmacs/plugin-tablor/
> https://wordpress.callac.online/index.php/edition-mathematique/professor/
> Thanks for your help.
> Marc
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