## tm2md: When to merge the pull request


Q: Before TeXmacs 2.1 or not?

In my opinion, no other features in TeXmacs depend on tm2md. It fine to merge 
the ready PR into the main SVN repo.

Q: tm2md/tm2texinfo/tm2html?

If tm2md is not merged or other converter is created. We should document about 
(or improve the existing one) how to create a new converter.

And another topic is how to share the common part among tm2xxxs.

## md2tm

It's a good idea to work on Markdown related subtasks. Adding new converters 
does not change the exiting code.

XML and HTML share the same parser. Change the code under 

will make a significant changes to TeXmacs's tmml format. The important and 
tedious part is to write test cases to avoid introducing new bugs when fixing 

---- On Sun, 2020-06-21 22:28:39 Yue, Xiang <yx1...@foxmail.com> wrote ----

Hi all,

This week I updated some details of proposal and my proposed tasks, which can 
be found at https://github.com/texmacs/gsoc2020. You can regard it as a tracker 
for developing progress.

As for converter, I made PR for incorporating tm2md into texmacs. Further 
discussion can be found at https://github.com/texmacs/texmacs/pull/44.

Recently I moved on developing md2tm part for markdown converter, which 
involves modification for C++ codes to parse markdown format as Tree.

Best Regards,



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