I talked about the proposal with Xiang last Friday night on Zoom.
I suggest that Xiang should
1. Modify the proposal
2. Make a specific goal on a use case of the Converters, there are some use
+ Make a static site generator based on the Improved Converters
+ Convert a book or document in single HTML to TeXmacs Format
eg. https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/guile.html
+ More to come
For 1: Extra Suggestions for Xiang
I suggest that Xiang should rewrite the proposal using TeXmacs (Save the
modified proposal to a xxx.tm file) and create
a pull request to https://github.com/texmacs/gsoc.
For 2: Extra Explanations for Other Developers
The Converters idea is trivial but it is still important. Fixing bugs for the
existing converters may not be a hard task. But how to
find it:
+ First of all, we should find the converters related bugs in
+ And then, we may improve the converters using a specific use case. It is hard
to define converters and it is easy to evaluate
the converters quality for specific use cases.
---- On Mon, 2020-05-18 09:45:39 yx1107 <mailto:yx1...@foxmail.com> wrote ----
Hi all,
Hope this email finds you well. My name is Xiang Yue, the selected candidate of
Google Summer of Code(GSOC) 2020 in GNU TeXmacs track, and the attachment is my
initial proposal for TeXmacs converter extension.
I am about to start my work in one or two weeks. During this period, I will
modify my proposal and make a final one with more specific ideas.
Thank you and please take care.
Best Regards,
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