Dear Jose and all:

Thank you very much for the notice. Could you please include the following ideas for GNU TeXmacs:

     Name of the GNU program: GNU TeXmacs

GNU TeXmacs is a free scientific editing platform designed to create beautiful technical documents.

     Converters (Easy)

 * Descriptions
     o Between TeXmacs and OpenOffice/LibreOffice/M$Office.
     o Extend the HTML converters to HTML 5.
     o Between TeXmacs and Markdown(CommonMark)
 * Outcomes
     o Improve the converters for GNU TeXmacs
 * Skills: C++ and Scheme

     Further improvement of bibliographic tools (Medium)

 * Descriptions
     o Direct searching of bib entries on the web from within TeXmacs.
     o Automatic linking of authors to homepages, bib entries to PDFs, etc.
     o Preview of link targets in help balloons.
     o Connection with Zotero
 * Outcomes
     o Improve GNU TeXmacs for academic purpose
 * Skills: C++ and Scheme

     A Jupyter plugin (Medium)

 * Descriptions
     o Improve the existing python-implemented plugins in TeXmacs
     o Adapt the Jupyter protocol to the TeXmacs plugin protocol
     o Converters from/to the Jupyter notebook format

 * Outcomes
     o Enrich the TeXmacs plugin ecosystem on top of Jupyter
 * Skills: C++, Scheme and Python

Contact address for interested students:

Texmacs-dev mailing list

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