> I will still use Qt4 for the TeXmacs-2.1 binary

Using Qt 4 for TeXmacs 2.1 is a good idea.

There are still several blocking bugs for TeXmacs with Qt 5 when using Chinese 
Input Method.

---- On Fri, 2020-01-24 09:09:10 TeXmacs <texm...@lix.polytechnique.fr> wrote 

Hi Max,

(Catching up; sorry, it has been busy since last week)

On Mon, Jan 06, 2020 at 05:46:59PM +0100, Massimiliano Gubinelli wrote:
> What kept away from Qt5 were mainly some bugs in their Mac backend which 
> render unusable TeXmacs menus. Changes in the codebase are minimal (as far as 
> I remember).

Absolutely.  The Qt5 interface seems to be working fine now.
I will still use Qt4 for the TeXmacs-2.1 binary, just for security,
but this should not prevent us from making the compilation process
for TeXmacs with Qt5 smooth.

There is one thing that you guys could help me with to make this happen:
it seems that autotroll gets almost everything right for the configuration,
but not quite everything:

 - It is sometimes necessary to add an -fPIC flag.
 - I manually had to add the following flags
 CXXQT += -isystem /usr/include/qt5/QtPrintSupport
 LIBS += -lQt5PrintSupport

If someone could send me a patch for our configuration files that
solves these problem, then that would be very much appreciated,
and I will test it.

Best wishes, --Joris

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