Hi guys so i am trying to train tesseract using wsl and when i execute the 
following training command TESSDATA_PREFIX=.../tessdata make training 
 MODEL_NAME=fine_tune_hin LANG_TYPE=Indic TESSDATA=.../tessdata 

i get following error:
Config file is optional, continuing...
Failed to read data from: data/langdata/Chin/Chin.config
Created data/Chin/Chin.traineddatalstmtraining \
  --debug_interval 0 \
  --traineddata data/Chin/Chin.traineddata \
  --learning_rate 0.002 \
  --net_spec "[1,36,0,1 Ct3,3,16 Mp3,3 Lfys48 Lfx96 Lrx96 Lfx192 O1c`head 
-n1 data/Chin/unicharset`]" \
  --model_output data/Chin/checkpoints/Chin \
  --train_listfile data/Chin/list.train \
  --eval_listfile data/Chin/list.eval \
  --max_iterations 1000 \
  --target_error_rate 0.01
Failed to load list of training filenames from data/Chin/list.train
Please help me cuz i believe i am only a single step away from training 
tesseract 5.3.0.
Thanks in advance.

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