1. Implement text detection on the image (EAST, YOLO... see
   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpRNfWzuexQ)  or search for "text
   detection python"
   2. Process detected areas so there is a text without any graphics - see
   some suggestions in docs (
   3. run OCR (tesseract) on the processed area(s)


pi 9. 12. 2022 o 18:15 Anna Muller <amull...@nd.edu> napĂ­sal(a):

> Hello - I am very new to using the Tesseract software. I am currently
> completing a project that requires me to read text from TikTok screenshots
> - I attached a random example image I got from Tiktok to this post. I am
> currently getting pretty inaccurate output. Below I pasted the code I was
> using that I got from an online tutorial.
> I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions or would be able to point
> me in the right direction to resources where I could better learn how to
> fine tune my image processing parameters.
>  I am currently using Jupyter Notebooks, but if anybody suggests accessing
> Tesseract differently, please let me know.
> *My Code:*
> from PIL import Image
> column = Image.open('tiktoktest.png')
> gray = column.convert('L')
> blackwhite = gray.point(lambda x: 0 if x < 200 else 255, '1')
> blackwhite.save("tiktok.jpg")
> text_from_image = pytesseract.image_to_string(Image.open('tiktok.jpg'))
> print(text_from_image)
> --
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