seems like the same problem as

Did you use  BeginDocument EndDocument ?


ne 21. 11. 2021 o 9:27 'blaumedia' via tesseract-ocr <> napĂ­sal(a):

> Described already in issue:
> I'm trying to generate a searchable PDF outgoing from a jpg image, but the
> file that gets output is an invalid pdf file that can't be read by any pdf
> reader.
> I have added an docker image for reproduction of the problem in the issue,
> but here is the bash snippet for it:
> *git clone*
> *git checkout tesseract/bug/3652*
> *docker build -t tessbug .*
> *docker run -it -v $PWD/tmp:/tmp tessbug go run main.go*
> When I'm inputting the file in the tesseract cli, the outcoming pdf is
> readable, but I can't find any difference between the cli and my snippet.
> Thanks in advance for any help! I'm very sorry, I'm more a GoLang
> developer, than a C ++ developer so I have kind of problems with the
> simplest syntax, but tried my best.
> --
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