Hello everyone,

I am looking for a way to set both --oem and --psm in R.

In the meantime I found out how to use tesseract in the command line and I 
also got some results in PyCharm respectively Python. However, I like the 
combination of the Magick package with tesseract in R, so I would like to 
use R for my project.

In this stackoverflow thread 
is explained how to make these settings in Python, however I do not manage 
to reproduce this in R. The syntax in Python and R is quite similar. There 
is a 'lang' argument in both programming languages and a 'config' (Python) 
respectively 'configs' (R) argument.

I would greatly appreciate a small example that shows how the syntax to 
configurate oem and psm has to look like in R.

Many thanks in advance!

Kind regards


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