Solved the issue by myself. Turns out it was a derivative of one of the 
very first solution I tried to applied: turning the image into a gray 
scale. Apparently all I needed was to instead convert it to a binary image 
rather than a grayscale bitmap. Everything's working much better now. Thank 
you all! 
On Friday, 17 September 2021 at 18:41:45 UTC+3 AdamTuby wrote:

> [image: Screenshot from 2021-09-17 18-28-29.png][image: Screenshot from 
> 2021-09-17 18-28-19.png][image: Screenshot from 2021-09-17 18-28-13.png]I'm 
> trying to detect a paragraph in some image. I do that by preparing in 
> advance the very first and very last expressions in the paragraph, in order 
> to box all of the paragraph, tho I'm having issues with detecting the very 
> last expressions in the paragraph. It's detecting the characters of the 
> very last words, but for some reason it just returns completely different 
> and tho coherent (consistently the same) characters that don't match what's 
> actually written there.
> I'm adding some png's for visual representation of the issue. Btw, excuse 
> me in advance if the contents of the paragraph of the text have 
> inappropriate contexts - I'm simply doing my testing on this specific png.
> The png's:

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