
I understand that questions like these have been asked before, but I still 
haven't found a satisfactory reply. 

Our goal is to have tesseract output results according to a fixed user 
pattern. We have Tesseract 4.1.1 with Leptonica

Let me organize this message into 3 distinct but related questions.

1. Using --user-patterns like so :
tesseract --dpi 300 --psm 6 --user-patterns pattern1.user-patterns 
Fully_Preprocessed/IMG_0632_cropped.png outputpattern1
in the command seems to not have any effect at all.

2. Is my pattern like so correct? I have tried at least 2 pattern files as 
\d\d \d\d\d
\d{2} \d{3}

But neither works

3. On the other hand, I can't seem to get Bazaar to work (I have put the 
bazaar file in configs with reference to user-patterns file and put the 
eng.user-patterns file in tessdata folder), perhaps because I'm not using 
bazaar properly 
sudo tesseract --dpi 300 --psm 6 Fully_Preprocessed/IMG_0632_cropped.png 
outputbazaar.txt bazaar

gives the error:  read_params_file: Can't open 

I would greatly appreciate any help or advice with any of these questions. 
Thank you very much.


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