>After placing the groundtruth files in a folder called
*data/foo-ground-truth* inside the main *tesseract *repo folder,

  data/foo-ground-truth  needs to be under the tesstrain folder not
tesseract folder.

You can use ground-truth in a different location, in that case you have to
refer to it while calling make.

On Fri, Jan 8, 2021 at 12:42 PM Keith M <kmo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm sure I'm making a beginner mistake here, but I'm struggling quite a
> bit.
> I've built straight from source, both version 4.1.1 and 5.0.0 on Ubuntu
> 18.04, and Ubuntu 20.04(fresh install, never used, but properly updated).
> All exhibit the same behavior. I installed all the dependencies following
> the build/installation guides. No error during the build that I can see.
> "make training" and "make training-install" both succeed when run
> initially. Clearly it's building and finishing without error.
> At this point, all I'm trying to do is train using the example here:
> https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesstrain
> using groundtruth files.
> After placing the groundtruth files in a folder called
> *data/foo-ground-truth* inside the main *tesseract *repo folder, I unzip
> the .TIFs and .gt.txt's.
> When either "make training MODEL_NAME=foo" is run nothing happens. It just
> returns almost instantly and does nothing. 4.1.1 goes through directories
> and then says there's nothing that needs done. 5.0.0 reports "make: Nothing
> to be done for 'training'."
> Also tried incanting as such " make training MODEL_NAME=<MODEL_NAME>
> START_MODEL=eng PSM=7 TESSDATA=/usr/local/share/tessdata"
> Same result.
> I'm clearly doing something wrong here. I must not have the files in the
> right directory. I've tried putting data/foo-ground-truth in the root, I
> tried putting it in tessdata inside the root folder, I tried putting it in
> /usr/local/share/tessdata.
> eng.trainneddata has been copied to the tessdata folder.
> There's something obvious I'm doing wrong, but heck if I can find it.....
> Help!@#
> Keith
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