Hi. Are you succeeded into compiling Tesseract 4 for Windows ?


On Sunday, September 30, 2018 at 8:19:37 PM UTC+3, PLOBEXRIME wrote:
> Hi, I'm searching for a way to compile Tesseract and get tesseract.dll 
> library file. CPPAN works for me from time to time but always fail for x64 
> build so I've tried vcpkg instead. However vcpkg compiles Tesseract as 
> executable and 3rd party libraries that are needed by it i.e. 
> leptonica-1.74.4.dll, gif.dll etc. but no tesseract.dll 
> The command line that I use:
> vcpkg install tesseract:x64-windows --head
> So my question is - how and if vcpkg can be configured to compile 
> Tesseract as a DLL ? The reason I need DLL file is that I can't use static 
> libraries from Delphi.

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