First check the version of tesseract, just to be sure, maybe you have more
than one around:

lstmtraining -v

If the training file is missing the error is:

Failed to load list of training filenames from eng.training_files.txt

If the --train_listfile option is missing the error is:

Must supply a list of training filenames! --train_listfile

if an invalid option is passed like --xtrain_listfile the error is:

ERROR: Non-existent flag --xtrain_listfile

First, I would try to rewrite from scratch the whole command line in a new
file, no copy and paste, I'm thinking about some non printable characters
that are messing up things. I think the problem is about the command line,
not about the file.

Anyway, also please post the output of the following command:

head /home/tonquangtu/Desktop/tessdata/new/tiff/eng.training_files.txt

(just like that, no changes, to check the path and the content). How did
you create the eng.training_files.txt?



Il giorno sab 20 ott 2018 alle ore 06:34 tu tonquang <>
ha scritto:

> I have tried some case likes:
> 1. Remove --train_listfile argument from lstmtraining command
> 2. Change name of argument value, for example: --train_listfile
> "wrong_file.txt" from lstmtraining command (wong_file not exist in file
> system)
> 3. given full path of "eng.training_files.txt" file as
> "/home/tonquangtu/Desktop/tessdata/new/tiff/eng.training_files.txt"
> But I get same error like above. "Must supply a list of training
> filenames! --train_listfile"
> Vào 11:08:11 UTC+7 Thứ Bảy, ngày 20 tháng 10 năm 2018, shree đã viết:
>> Maybe it is not finding your ./eng.training_files.txt
>> Try giving its full path in lstmtraining command.
>> --
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