I am totally puzzled with how the confidence reported at Word level relates 
to the confidences assigned to the characters of the same word. 

I used the attached TIFF image to recognize a simple MICR line of a check. 

The recognized text had two words:

495096 700000b01b205xX0eL00007010717

The confidence percentiles for the words were 59% and 38% respectively.

The confidence percentiles for the characters of the first word were 

4    97%
9    99%
5    100%
0    100%
9    99%
6    96%

I would like to know how with such high confidence scores for individual 
characters, one can compute the word level confidence at 59%.

I ran this test using fast training data for English with no training of my 
own. I am not worried about the accuracy, just curious about how to 
interpret confidence scores.


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