Hi Reza,

Attached are two scripts and one log file. You will need to change the
directories in the scripts.

finetune.sh and finetune log file are for a sample finetuning for eng. By
changing the language code you can run it for fas.
You can use that as a test.

plus-fas.sh is for plusminus type of finetuning for fas. It merges the
existing unicharset with the unicharset extracted from the training_text.

You will need to update the training_text file in langdata/fas
Optionally you can also review and update wordlist, numbers and punc file.

The scripts should run if you give correct directory names.

भजन - कीर्तन - आरती @ http://bhajans.ramparivar.com

On Sat, May 19, 2018 at 9:24 AM, reza <reza6...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hi ShreeDevi
> Thanks.
> I tested the 2 models that you have provided. The accuracy on samples
> without noise were about 98% but on scanned samples or captured images,
> were about 80%.
> but still it didn't work on different fonts.
> Could u send all files that needed for training models? I want fine tune
> the model with more fonts and diacritics .
> best regards
> On Friday, May 18, 2018 at 8:49:54 PM UTC+4:30, shree wrote:
>> I have posted a couple of test models for Farsi at
>> https://github.com/Shreeshrii/tessdata_shreetest
>> These have not been trained on text with diacritics as the normalization
>> and training process was giving error on the combining marks.
>> Please give them a try and see if they provide better recognition for
>> numbers and text without combining marks.
>> FYI, I do not know the Persian language so it is difficult for me to
>> gauge if results are ok or not.
>> ShreeDevi
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ubuntu@tesseract-ocr:~/tess4training$ bash -x ./tesstrain_finetune.sh
+ MakeTraining=yes
+ MakeEval=yes
+ RunTraining=yes
+ Lang=eng
+ Continue_from_lang=eng
+ bestdata_dir=../tessdata_best
+ tessdata_dir=../tessdata
+ tesstrain_dir=../tesseract/src/training
+ langdata_dir=../langdata
+ fonts_dir=../.fonts
+ fonts_for_training='   '\''FreeSerif'\'' '
+ fonts_for_eval='   '\''Arial'\'' '
+ train_output_dir=./finetune_train_eng
+ eval_output_dir=./finetune_eval_eng
+ trained_output_dir=./finetune_trained_eng-from-eng
+ '[' yes = yes ']'
+ echo '###### MAKING TRAINING DATA ######'
+ rm -rf ./finetune_train_eng
+ mkdir ./finetune_train_eng
+ echo '#### run tesstrain.sh ####'
#### run tesstrain.sh ####
+ eval bash ../tesseract/src/training/tesstrain.sh --lang eng --linedata_only 
noextract_font_properties --exposures 0 --fonts_dir ../.fonts --fontlist 
''\''Fr                                                      eeSerif'\''' 
--langdata_dir ../langdata --tessdata_dir ../tessdata --training_te             
                                         xt ../langdata/eng/eng.training_text 
--output_dir ./finetune_train_eng
++ bash ../tesseract/src/training/tesstrain.sh --lang eng --linedata_only 
tract_font_properties --exposures 0 --fonts_dir ../.fonts --fontlist FreeSerif 
-                                                      -langdata_dir 
../langdata --tessdata_dir ../tessdata --training_text ../langdata              
                                        /eng/eng.training_text --output_dir 

=== Starting training for language 'eng'
[Sat May 19 04:20:00 UTC 2018] /usr/local/bin/text2image --fonts_dir=../.fonts 
-                                                      -font=FreeSerif 
--outputbase=/tmp/font_tmp.rSFglUi6Dq/sample_text.txt --text=/tm                
Rendered page 0 to file /tmp/font_tmp.rSFglUi6Dq/sample_text.txt.tif

=== Phase I: Generating training images ===
Rendering using FreeSerif
[Sat May 19 04:20:02 UTC 2018] /usr/local/bin/text2image 
p/font_tmp.rSFglUi6Dq --fonts_dir=../.fonts --strip_unrenderable_words 
--leading                                                      =32 
--char_spacing=0.0 --exposure=0 --outputbase=/tmp/tmp.RsxSMQxxED/eng/eng.Fre    
                                                  eSerif.exp0 --max_pages=0 
--ptsize=12 --font=FreeSerif --text=../langdata/eng/en                          
Rendered page 0 to file /tmp/tmp.RsxSMQxxED/eng/eng.FreeSerif.exp0.tif
Rendered page 1 to file /tmp/tmp.RsxSMQxxED/eng/eng.FreeSerif.exp0.tif

=== Phase UP: Generating unicharset and unichar properties files ===
[Sat May 19 04:20:04 UTC 2018] /usr/local/bin/unicharset_extractor 
--output_unicharset /tmp/tmp.RsxSMQxxED/eng/eng.unicharset --norm_mode 1 
Extracting unicharset from box file 
Other case É of é is not in unicharset
Wrote unicharset file /tmp/tmp.RsxSMQxxED/eng/eng.unicharset
[Sat May 19 04:20:04 UTC 2018] /usr/local/bin/set_unicharset_properties -U 
/tmp/tmp.RsxSMQxxED/eng/eng.unicharset -O 
/tmp/tmp.RsxSMQxxED/eng/eng.unicharset -X /tmp/tmp.RsxSMQxxED/eng/eng.xheights 
Loaded unicharset of size 111 from file /tmp/tmp.RsxSMQxxED/eng/eng.unicharset
Setting unichar properties
Other case É of é is not in unicharset
Setting script properties
Warning: properties incomplete for index 25 = ~
Writing unicharset to file /tmp/tmp.RsxSMQxxED/eng/eng.unicharset

=== Phase E: Generating lstmf files ===
Using TESSDATA_PREFIX=../tessdata
[Sat May 19 04:20:04 UTC 2018] /usr/local/bin/tesseract 
/tmp/tmp.RsxSMQxxED/eng/eng.FreeSerif.exp0 lstm.train
Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v4.0.0-beta.1-232-g45a6 with Leptonica
Page 1
Page 2
Loaded 49/49 pages (1-49) of document 

=== Constructing LSTM training data ===
[Sat May 19 04:20:07 UTC 2018] /usr/local/bin/combine_lang_model 
--input_unicharset /tmp/tmp.RsxSMQxxED/eng/eng.unicharset --script_dir 
../langdata --words ../langdata/eng/eng.wordlist --numbers 
../langdata/eng/eng.numbers --puncs ../langdata/eng/eng.punc --output_dir 
./finetune_train_eng --lang eng
Loaded unicharset of size 111 from file /tmp/tmp.RsxSMQxxED/eng/eng.unicharset
Setting unichar properties
Other case É of é is not in unicharset
Setting script properties
Config file is optional, continuing...
Failed to read data from: ../langdata/eng/eng.config
Null char=2
Reducing Trie to SquishedDawg
Reducing Trie to SquishedDawg
Reducing Trie to SquishedDawg
Moving /tmp/tmp.RsxSMQxxED/eng/eng.FreeSerif.exp0.box to ./finetune_train_eng
Moving /tmp/tmp.RsxSMQxxED/eng/eng.FreeSerif.exp0.tif to ./finetune_train_eng
Moving /tmp/tmp.RsxSMQxxED/eng/eng.FreeSerif.exp0.lstmf to ./finetune_train_eng

Created starter traineddata for language 'eng'

Run lstmtraining to do the LSTM training for language 'eng'

+ echo '#### combine_tessdata to extract lstm model from '\''tessdata_best'\'' 
for eng ####'
#### combine_tessdata to extract lstm model from 'tessdata_best' for eng ####
+ combine_tessdata -u ../tessdata_best/eng.traineddata ../tessdata_best/eng.
Extracting tessdata components from ../tessdata_best/eng.traineddata
Wrote ../tessdata_best/eng.lstm
Wrote ../tessdata_best/eng.lstm-punc-dawg
Wrote ../tessdata_best/eng.lstm-word-dawg
Wrote ../tessdata_best/eng.lstm-number-dawg
Wrote ../tessdata_best/eng.lstm-unicharset
Wrote ../tessdata_best/eng.lstm-recoder
Wrote ../tessdata_best/eng.version
17:lstm:size=11689099, offset=192
18:lstm-punc-dawg:size=4322, offset=11689291
19:lstm-word-dawg:size=3694794, offset=11693613
20:lstm-number-dawg:size=4738, offset=15388407
21:lstm-unicharset:size=6360, offset=15393145
22:lstm-recoder:size=1012, offset=15399505
23:version:size=80, offset=15400517
+ '[' yes = yes ']'
+ echo '###### MAKING EVAL DATA ######'
###### MAKING EVAL DATA ######
+ rm -rf ./finetune_eval_eng
+ mkdir ./finetune_eval_eng
+ eval bash ../tesseract/src/training/tesstrain.sh --fonts_dir ../.fonts 
--fontlist ''\''Arial'\''' --lang eng --linedata_only 
--noextract_font_properties --langdata_dir ../langdata --tessdata_dir 
../tessdata --training_text ../langdata/eng/eng.training_text --output_dir 
++ bash ../tesseract/src/training/tesstrain.sh --fonts_dir ../.fonts --fontlist 
Arial --lang eng --linedata_only --noextract_font_properties --langdata_dir 
../langdata --tessdata_dir ../tessdata --training_text 
../langdata/eng/eng.training_text --output_dir ./finetune_eval_eng

=== Starting training for language 'eng'
[Sat May 19 04:20:17 UTC 2018] /usr/local/bin/text2image --fonts_dir=../.fonts 
--font=Arial --outputbase=/tmp/font_tmp.2U3WwAANTl/sample_text.txt 
Rendered page 0 to file /tmp/font_tmp.2U3WwAANTl/sample_text.txt.tif

=== Phase I: Generating training images ===
Rendering using Arial
[Sat May 19 04:20:19 UTC 2018] /usr/local/bin/text2image 
--fontconfig_tmpdir=/tmp/font_tmp.2U3WwAANTl --fonts_dir=../.fonts 
--strip_unrenderable_words --leading=32 --char_spacing=0.0 --exposure=0 
--outputbase=/tmp/tmp.nOUY5Wx7C3/eng/eng.Arial.exp0 --max_pages=0 --ptsize=12 
--font=Arial --text=../langdata/eng/eng.training_text
Rendered page 0 to file /tmp/tmp.nOUY5Wx7C3/eng/eng.Arial.exp0.tif
Rendered page 1 to file /tmp/tmp.nOUY5Wx7C3/eng/eng.Arial.exp0.tif

=== Phase UP: Generating unicharset and unichar properties files ===
[Sat May 19 04:20:21 UTC 2018] /usr/local/bin/unicharset_extractor 
--output_unicharset /tmp/tmp.nOUY5Wx7C3/eng/eng.unicharset --norm_mode 1 
Extracting unicharset from box file /tmp/tmp.nOUY5Wx7C3/eng/eng.Arial.exp0.box
Other case É of é is not in unicharset
Wrote unicharset file /tmp/tmp.nOUY5Wx7C3/eng/eng.unicharset
[Sat May 19 04:20:21 UTC 2018] /usr/local/bin/set_unicharset_properties -U 
/tmp/tmp.nOUY5Wx7C3/eng/eng.unicharset -O 
/tmp/tmp.nOUY5Wx7C3/eng/eng.unicharset -X /tmp/tmp.nOUY5Wx7C3/eng/eng.xheights 
Loaded unicharset of size 111 from file /tmp/tmp.nOUY5Wx7C3/eng/eng.unicharset
Setting unichar properties
Other case É of é is not in unicharset
Setting script properties
Warning: properties incomplete for index 25 = ~
Writing unicharset to file /tmp/tmp.nOUY5Wx7C3/eng/eng.unicharset

=== Phase E: Generating lstmf files ===
Using TESSDATA_PREFIX=../tessdata
[Sat May 19 04:20:21 UTC 2018] /usr/local/bin/tesseract 
/tmp/tmp.nOUY5Wx7C3/eng/eng.Arial.exp0 lstm.train
Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v4.0.0-beta.1-232-g45a6 with Leptonica
Page 1
Page 2
Loaded 52/52 pages (1-52) of document 

=== Constructing LSTM training data ===
[Sat May 19 04:20:24 UTC 2018] /usr/local/bin/combine_lang_model 
--input_unicharset /tmp/tmp.nOUY5Wx7C3/eng/eng.unicharset --script_dir 
../langdata --words ../langdata/eng/eng.wordlist --numbers 
../langdata/eng/eng.numbers --puncs ../langdata/eng/eng.punc --output_dir 
./finetune_eval_eng --lang eng
Loaded unicharset of size 111 from file /tmp/tmp.nOUY5Wx7C3/eng/eng.unicharset
Setting unichar properties
Other case É of é is not in unicharset
Setting script properties
Config file is optional, continuing...
Failed to read data from: ../langdata/eng/eng.config
Null char=2
Reducing Trie to SquishedDawg
Reducing Trie to SquishedDawg
Reducing Trie to SquishedDawg
Moving /tmp/tmp.nOUY5Wx7C3/eng/eng.Arial.exp0.box to ./finetune_eval_eng
Moving /tmp/tmp.nOUY5Wx7C3/eng/eng.Arial.exp0.tif to ./finetune_eval_eng
Moving /tmp/tmp.nOUY5Wx7C3/eng/eng.Arial.exp0.lstmf to ./finetune_eval_eng

Created starter traineddata for language 'eng'

Run lstmtraining to do the LSTM training for language 'eng'

+ '[' yes = yes ']'
+ echo '#### finetune training from ../tessdata_best/eng.traineddata #####'
#### finetune training from ../tessdata_best/eng.traineddata #####
+ rm -rf ./finetune_trained_eng-from-eng
+ mkdir -p ./finetune_trained_eng-from-eng
+ lstmtraining --continue_from ../tessdata_best/eng.lstm --traineddata 
../tessdata_best/eng.traineddata --max_iterations 400 --debug_interval 0 
--train_listfile ./finetune_train_eng/eng.training_files.txt --model_output 
Loaded file ../tessdata_best/eng.lstm, unpacking...
Warning: LSTMTrainer deserialized an LSTMRecognizer!
Continuing from ../tessdata_best/eng.lstm
Loaded 72/72 pages (1-72) of document 
2 Percent improvement time=5, best error was 100 @ 0
At iteration 5/100/100, Mean rms=0.198%, delta=0.04%, char train=0.109%, word 
train=0.211%, skip ratio=0%,  New best char error = 0.109 Transitioned to stage 
1 wrote best model:./finetune_trained_eng-from-eng/finetune0.109_5.checkpoint 
wrote checkpoint.

2 Percent improvement time=5, best error was 100 @ 0
At iteration 5/200/200, Mean rms=0.17%, delta=0.02%, char train=0.055%, word 
train=0.105%, skip ratio=0%,  New best char error = 0.055 wrote best 
model:./finetune_trained_eng-from-eng/finetune0.055_5.checkpoint wrote 

2 Percent improvement time=5, best error was 100 @ 0
At iteration 5/300/300, Mean rms=0.153%, delta=0.013%, char train=0.036%, word 
train=0.07%, skip ratio=0%,  New best char error = 0.036 wrote best 
model:./finetune_trained_eng-from-eng/finetune0.036_5.checkpoint wrote 

2 Percent improvement time=5, best error was 100 @ 0
At iteration 5/400/400, Mean rms=0.142%, delta=0.01%, char train=0.027%, word 
train=0.053%, skip ratio=0%,  New best char error = 0.027 wrote best 
model:./finetune_trained_eng-from-eng/finetune0.027_5.checkpoint wrote 

Finished! Error rate = 0.027
+ echo '#### Building final trained file  ####'
#### Building final trained file  ####
+ echo '#### stop training                                       ####'
#### stop training                                       ####
+ lstmtraining --stop_training --continue_from 
./finetune_trained_eng-from-eng/finetune_checkpoint --traineddata 
../tessdata_best/eng.traineddata --model_output 
Loaded file ./finetune_trained_eng-from-eng/finetune_checkpoint, unpacking...
+ echo '#### eval files with./finetune_train_eng/finetune.traineddata           
#### eval files with./finetune_train_eng/finetune.traineddata              ####
+ lstmeval --verbosity 0 --model 
./finetune_trained_eng-from-eng/eng-finetune.traineddata --eval_listfile 
Loaded 72/72 pages (1-72) of document ./finetune_eval_eng/eng.Arial.exp0.lstmf
Warning: LSTMTrainer deserialized an LSTMRecognizer!
At iteration 0, stage 0, Eval Char error rate=0.26994052, Word error 
# original script by J Klein <jetm...@gmail.com> - https://pastebin.com/gNLvXkiM

# variables to set tasks performed

# Language 

#  directory with the old 'best' language training set to continue from eg. Arabic, Latin, Devanagari
# directory with the old 'best' language training set to continue from eg. ara, eng, san
# tessdata-dir which has osd.trainddata, eng.traineddata, config and tessconfigs folder and pdf.ttf

# directory with training scripts - tesstrain.sh etc.

# downloaded directory with language data -

# fonts directory for this system

# fonts to use for training - a minimal set for testing
fonts_for_training=" \
  'FreeSerif' \

# fonts for computing evals of best fit model
fonts_for_eval=" \
  'Arial' \
# output directories for this run

# fatal bug workaround for pango

if [ $MakeTraining = "yes" ]; then

echo "###### MAKING TRAINING DATA ######"
 rm -rf $train_output_dir
 mkdir $train_output_dir

echo "#### run tesstrain.sh ####"

# the EVAL handles the quotes in the font list
eval   bash $tesstrain_dir/tesstrain.sh \
--lang $Lang \
--linedata_only \
--noextract_font_properties \
--exposures "0" \
--fonts_dir $fonts_dir \
--fontlist $fonts_for_training \
--langdata_dir $langdata_dir \
--tessdata_dir  $tessdata_dir \
--training_text $langdata_dir/$Lang/$Lang.training_text \
--output_dir $train_output_dir

echo "#### combine_tessdata to extract lstm model from 'tessdata_best' for $Continue_from_lang ####"

combine_tessdata -u $bestdata_dir/$Continue_from_lang.traineddata \


# at this point, $train_output_dir should have $Lang.FontX.exp0.lstmf
# and $Lang.training_files.txt

# eval data
if [ $MakeEval = "yes" ]; then
echo "###### MAKING EVAL DATA ######"
rm -rf $eval_output_dir
mkdir $eval_output_dir

eval   bash $tesstrain_dir/tesstrain.sh \
--fonts_dir $fonts_dir \
--fontlist $fonts_for_eval \
--lang $Lang \
--linedata_only \
--noextract_font_properties \
--langdata_dir $langdata_dir \
--tessdata_dir  $tessdata_dir \
--training_text $langdata_dir/$Lang/$Lang.training_text \
--output_dir $eval_output_dir


# at this point, $eval_output_dir should have similar files as
# $train_output_dir but for different font set

if [ $RunTraining = "yes" ]; then

echo "#### finetune training from $bestdata_dir/$Continue_from_lang.traineddata #####"
rm -rf $trained_output_dir
mkdir -p $trained_output_dir

lstmtraining \
--continue_from  $bestdata_dir/$Continue_from_lang.lstm \
--traineddata    $bestdata_dir/$Continue_from_lang.traineddata \
--max_iterations 400 \
--debug_interval 0 \
--train_listfile $train_output_dir/$Lang.training_files.txt \
--model_output  $trained_output_dir/finetune

echo "#### Building final trained file $best_trained_data_file ####"
echo "#### stop training                                       ####"
lstmtraining \
--stop_training \
--continue_from $trained_output_dir/finetune_checkpoint \
--traineddata    $bestdata_dir/$Continue_from_lang.traineddata \
--model_output $trained_output_dir/$Lang-finetune.traineddata

echo "#### eval files with$train_output_dir/finetune.traineddata              ####"
lstmeval \
--verbosity  0 \
--model $trained_output_dir/$Lang-finetune.traineddata \
--eval_listfile $eval_output_dir/$Lang.training_files.txt

# now $best_trained_data_file is substituted for installed
# based on bash-script by J Klein <jetm...@gmail.com> - https://pastebin.com/gNLvXkiM
# variables to set tasks performed
# Language 

# directory with the old 'best' training set
# tessdata directory for config files 

# directory with training scripts - tesstrain.sh etc.
# this is not the usual place-  because they are not installed by default

# downloaded directory with language data -

# fonts directory for this system

# fonts to use for training - a minimal set for fast tests
fonts_for_training=" \
'Iranian Sans' \
'Sahel' \
'IranNastaliq-Web' \
'Nesf2' \
  'B Koodak Bold' \
  'B Lotus' \
  'B Lotus Bold' \
  'B Nazanin' \
  'B Nazanin Bold' \
  'B Titr Bold' \
  'B Yagut' \
  'B Yagut Bold' \
  'B Yekan' \
  'B Zar' \
  'B Zar Bold' \
  'Arial Unicode MS' \
  'Tahoma' \

# fonts for computing evals of best fit model
fonts_for_eval=" \
   'B Nazanin' \
  'B Yagut' \
  'B Zar' \
# output directories for this run

# fatal bug workaround for pango

if [ $MakeTraining = "yes" ]; then

echo "###### MAKING TRAINING DATA ######"
 rm -rf $train_output_dir
  mkdir $train_output_dir

echo "#### run tesstrain.sh ####"

# the EVAL handles the quotes in the font list
eval   bash $tesstrain_dir/tesstrain.sh \
--lang $Lang \
--linedata_only \
--noextract_font_properties \
--exposures "0" \
--fonts_dir $fonts_dir \
--fontlist $fonts_for_training \
--langdata_dir $langdata_dir \
--tessdata_dir  $tessdata_dir \
--training_text $langdata_dir/$Lang/$Lang.training_text \
--output_dir $train_output_dir

echo "#### combine_tessdata to extract lstm model from 'tessdata_best' for $Continue_from_lang ####"

combine_tessdata -u $bestdata_dir/$Continue_from_lang.traineddata \

combine_tessdata -u $tessdata_dir/$Lang.traineddata $tessdata_dir/$Lang.

echo "#### build version string ####"
Version_Str="$Lang:plus`date +%Y%m%d`:from:"
sed -e "s/^/$Version_Str/" $bestdata_dir/$Continue_from_lang.version > $train_output_dir/$Lang.new.version

echo "#### merge unicharsets to ensure all existing chars are included ####"

merge_unicharsets \
$bestdata_dir/$Continue_from_lang.lstm-unicharset \
$train_output_dir/$Lang/$Lang.unicharset \


# at this point, $train_output_dir should have $Lang.FontX.exp0.lstmf
# and $Lang.training_files.txt

# eval data
if [ $MakeEval = "yes" ]; then
echo "###### MAKING EVAL DATA ######"
 rm -rf $eval_output_dir
  mkdir $eval_output_dir

eval   bash $tesstrain_dir/tesstrain.sh \
--fonts_dir $fonts_dir \
--fontlist $fonts_for_eval \
--lang $Lang \
--linedata_only \
--noextract_font_properties \
--langdata_dir $langdata_dir \
--tessdata_dir  $tessdata_dir \
--training_text $langdata_dir/$Lang/$Lang.training_text \
--output_dir $eval_output_dir


# at this point, $eval_output_dir should have similar files as
# $train_output_dir but for different font set

if [ $RunTraining = "yes" ]; then

echo "#### rebuild starter traineddata ####"
#change these flags based on language
#  --lang_is_rtl  True \
#  --pass_through_recoder True \
combine_lang_model \
--input_unicharset    $train_output_dir/$Lang/$Lang.merged.unicharset \
--script_dir $langdata_dir \
--words $langdata_dir/$Lang/$Lang.wordlist \
--numbers $langdata_dir/$Lang/$Lang.numbers \
--puncs $langdata_dir/$Lang/$Lang.punc \
--output_dir $train_output_dir \
--pass_through_recoder \
--lang_is_rtl \
--lang $Lang \
--version_str ` cat $train_output_dir/$Lang.new.version`

echo "#### SHREE plus training from $bestdata_dir/$Continue_from_lang.traineddata #####"

rm -rf $trained_output_dir
mkdir -p  $trained_output_dir

lstmtraining \
--continue_from  $bestdata_dir/$Continue_from_lang.lstm \
--old_traineddata  $bestdata_dir/$Continue_from_lang.traineddata \
--traineddata $train_output_dir/$Lang/$Lang.traineddata \
--max_iterations 7000 \
--debug_interval 0 \
--train_listfile $train_output_dir/$Lang.training_files.txt \
--model_output  $trained_output_dir/plus

echo "#### Building final trained file $best_trained_data_file ####"
echo "#### stop training                                       ####"
lstmtraining \
--stop_training \
--continue_from $trained_output_dir/plus_checkpoint \
--old_traineddata  $bestdata_dir/$Continue_from_lang.traineddata \
--traineddata $train_output_dir/$Lang/$Lang.traineddata \
--model_output $trained_output_dir/$Lang-plus-float.traineddata

cp $trained_output_dir/$Lang-plus-float.traineddata    ../tessdata_best/

echo -e "\n #### eval files with $train_output_dir/$Lang-plus-float.traineddata     ####"
lstmeval \
--verbosity  0 \
--model $trained_output_dir/$Lang-plus-float.traineddata \
--eval_listfile $eval_output_dir/$Lang.training_files.txt


# now $best_trained_data_file is substituted for installed

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