The specific network structure is particular to a given traineddata file. I 
have no idea how the specification gets turned into the entire network's 
architecture in tesseract 4, but you can get a particular file's 
specification with combine_tessdata:

$ ./combine_tessdata.exe -d tess4traineddata/eng.traineddata
17:lstm:size=11689099, offset=192
18:lstm-punc-dawg:size=4322, offset=11689291
19:lstm-word-dawg:size=3694794, offset=11693613
20:lstm-number-dawg:size=4738, offset=15388407
21:lstm-unicharset:size=6360, offset=15393145
22:lstm-recoder:size=1012, offset=15399505
23:version:size=80, offset=15400517

The specification there is "
[1,36,0,1Ct3,3,16Mp3,3Lfys64Lfx96Lrx96Lfx512O1c1]". No idea what that 
means, but the wiki has more to say about it here:

On Friday, January 12, 2018 at 1:46:38 AM UTC-5, sujith vemisetty wrote:
> I have tried a lot to find the network architecture of LSTMs used in 
> Tesseract 4.00Alpha, but I wasn't able to find any. I can only find how to 
> train the new neural network implementation. I would like to understand the 
> architecture first. Can anyone point me to any documentation which details 
> the layers of LSTM network, if there is any available? Thanks in advance.

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