If you need to detect just orientation it should be faster to use only
leptonica functions. See


On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 12:36 PM, Hakan Usakli <hakan.usa...@gmail.com>

> In case it helps someone,
> Yes there is a way to change the behaviour of 'minimum number of
> characters' I struggled with the same problem you have as well for a while
> In this file,
> https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/blob/master/ccmain/osdetect.cpp
> change the value of this constant to something like 5. Recompile and you
> are done.
> const int kMinCharactersToTry = 50
> I have asked the developers to make a command line setting of that
> internal constant. If/When they do it I dont know.
> Enjoy
> Hakan
> On Saturday, April 19, 2014 at 8:13:25 PM UTC+3, Chris Nevin wrote:
>> Hello,
>>  I am having some trouble getting Tesseract to recognize individual
>> characters. Whenever I think I have overcome actual errors, I get the line
>> "Too few characters. Skipping this page"
>> Because I am using Tess4J I have been struggling to find out exactly what
>> all of the different options you can set for Tesseract actually are. Would
>> anyone be able to tell me if there is a way to set it to not limit the
>> minimum number of characters on a page?
>> Also, I am trying to get Tesseract to recognise characters from chemical
>> elements (example attached.) Will Tesseract be able to ignore the structure
>> and just pick up on the characters?
>> Basically any advice as to what would be a good way to go about this
>> would be helpful! Even if I should look at training Tesseract or creating a
>> word list with the chemical elements or something?
>> Thanks a lot!
>>    Chris
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