On Sunday, June 24, 2001, at 07:37 AM, Carla Schroder wrote:
> Hi all,
> Since yesterday, Freshmeat, Slashdot, Sourceforge, and Thinkgeek are
> nowhere
> to be found. Anyone know what's going on? Linux.com is up, but there are
> no
> news or updates. Maybe them bad crackers got in again? Someone tripped
> over
> a power cord?
Heh, and I thought my RSS script thingey was screwing up again :) There
was a rumor posted to fuckedcompany.com recently that said VA Linux was
about to lay off a whole bunch of people. Hopefully they haven't shut
down for good...
Cliff Crawford http://www.sowrong.org/
"Cliff, you're a god. I want to bear your child." --Ed
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