I'm writing a webmail system in PHP.  Yes I know, been done.
But there is a stunning lack of good tutorials and code examples out there for what I'm doing, IMO. 
My only real requirements for this is that it is free to anyone to use, as long as I get some semblenance of credit somewhere if you are gonna put this thing online for people to download (Like a project on SourceForge or FreshMeat etc) or if you are gonna use it commericially (you must be insane to use my code or ideas, considering I get them in the weirdest places), then you need to just drop me a line so I know and can feel honored or something (and creditted too). 
Preferably I'd like the credit to be my name and a link to my website and my email address and what of mine was used.
What license would fit that the best?  I think BSD is the best. 
- kath

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