Hi All,

I am having a problem with portsentry on kernel 2.4.5 machines. When using
kernel 2.2.19 on the same machine, there is no problem (and it happens on
two different compiles of 2.4.5).

The problem: portsentry is having false positive port scans. Nobody is
scanning me on ports 79 or 111, but it is reporting that people are (I am
running both portsentry AND snort, which is how I know scans are *not*
happening; I have also watched traffic with ethereal and found nothing
abnormal). This happens to the point that portsentry is taking up 40-70%

I searched on google and found a hit on a debian-laptop post, but all
people said was "sounds like finger and RPC, what are you running", which
is not the problem. Portsentry cannot tell me where the scans are coming
from. Snort was reporting scans from our DNS' but I put those in the
portsentry ignore. We are thinking it is misdiagnosing local (on-machine)
traffic as not coming from localhost when it really is but that doesn't
explain how to *fix* it without breaking/removing portsentry.

Here is what the syslog entries look like:

Jun 15 15:10:01 tonto portsentry[3146]: attackalert: Possible stealth scan
from unknown host to TCP port: 111 (accept failed)
Jun 15 15:10:31 tonto last message repeated 540822 times
Jun 15 15:11:32 tonto last message repeated 1106736 times
Jun 15 15:12:33 tonto last message repeated 1109614 times
Jun 15 15:13:34 tonto last message repeated 1104765 times
Jun 15 15:14:35 tonto last message repeated 1110612 times

It used to say the same thing but was for port 79. Somehow it switched
from 79 to 111 after I nmapped myself (to see how it would respond).

With portsentry running, the following ports are open:

Starting nmap V. 2.54BETA22 ( www.insecure.org/nmap/ )
Interesting ports on tonto (
(The 1509 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port       State       Service
1/tcp      open        tcpmux                  
9/tcp      open        discard                 
11/tcp     open        systat                  
13/tcp     open        daytime                 
15/tcp     open        netstat                 
22/tcp     open        ssh                     
23/tcp     open        telnet                  
25/tcp     open        smtp                    
37/tcp     open        time                    
79/tcp     open        finger                  
80/tcp     open        http                    
111/tcp    open        sunrpc                  
113/tcp    open        auth                    
119/tcp    open        nntp                    
139/tcp    open        netbios-ssn             
143/tcp    open        imap2                   
540/tcp    open        uucp                    
631/tcp    open        cups                    
635/tcp    open        unknown                 
859/tcp    open        unknown                 
1080/tcp   open        socks                   
1524/tcp   open        ingreslock              
2000/tcp   open        callbook                
6000/tcp   open        X11                     
6667/tcp   open        irc                     
12345/tcp  open        NetBus                  
12346/tcp  open        NetBus                  
31337/tcp  open        Elite                   
32771/tcp  open        sometimes-rpc5          
32772/tcp  open        sometimes-rpc7          
32773/tcp  open        sometimes-rpc9          
32774/tcp  open        sometimes-rpc11         
54320/tcp  open        bo2k                    

Without portsentry running, the following ports are open:

Starting nmap V. 2.54BETA22 ( www.insecure.org/nmap/ )
Interesting ports on tonto (
(The 1529 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port       State       Service
9/tcp      open        discard                 
13/tcp     open        daytime                 
22/tcp     open        ssh                     
23/tcp     open        telnet                  
25/tcp     open        smtp                    
37/tcp     open        time                    
80/tcp     open        http                    
111/tcp    open        sunrpc                  
113/tcp    open        auth                    
139/tcp    open        netbios-ssn             
631/tcp    open        cups                    
859/tcp    open        unknown                 
6000/tcp   open        X11                     

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0 seconds

I am running:
tonto:/home/colby# uname -a
Linux tonto 2.4.5 #1 Thu Jun 14 13:47:38 PDT 2001 i686 unknown

tonto:/home/colby# cat /etc/debian_version 

Kernel was made with kernel-package:

Package: kernel-image-2.4.5
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: base
Installed-Size: 2824
Maintainer: Nicole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Source: kernel-source-2.4.5
Version: Trigeo-0.1-3
Provides: kernel-image, kernel-image-2.4
Depends: fileutils (>= 4.0)
Suggests: lilo (>= 19.1), fdutils, kernel-doc-2.4.5
Description: <snipped>

Portsentry is:

Package: portsentry
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: non-free/net
Installed-Size: 125
Maintainer: Guido Guenther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Version: 1.0-1.8
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.2.3-1), net-tools, procps, debconf, debianutils (>=
Recommends: tcpd
Suggests: logcheck
Conffiles: <snipped>
Description: <snipped>

Modules that are running:
tonto:/home/colby# lsmod
Module                  Size  Used by
i810_audio             13360   0  (unused)
3c59x                  24032   1 
usb-storage            20352   0  (unused)

I can send a full kernel config if anyone is interested. Both machines
having the problem are Dell Optiplex GX150s with the "equivalent" of a
3c905 (onboard, called a 3c920), on an Intel D815EEA motherboard.

The same exact thing happens on my home machine, an Asus A7V with a
3c905B, kernel 2.4.2 (not a kernel-package kernel), same version of
portsentry, same ports open, same syslog entries on the same 2 ports,
again snort reports NO scans or attack attempts. I can send a full kernel
config for this one as well, I have not cross-examined them (yet) to see
what they have in common/different. I know on my home machine the network
card is not compiled as a module but is rather in the kernel while here on
the Dells they are modules.

Any help would REALLY be appreciated :o)

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