Heya --

     It could be easy, or not.

     After you make any config changes to exim, you have to killall
-HUP exim to have it reread exim.conf.  So if you forgot to do this
after setting up exim, that could be your problem.

> The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was
> rejected by the server. The rejected e-mail address was
> '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'. Subject 'Some subject', Account:
> 'mail.kathweb.net', Server: 'mail.kathweb.net', Protocol: SMTP,
> Server Response: '550 relaying to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> prohibited by
> administrator', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error
> Number: 0x800CCC79

     Another thing that springs to mind: did you turn on relaying for
your local network?  If you haven't and you need it, you should have
something like

host_accept_relay = localhost : [IP block of your local net/CIDr mask]

     Was the failed message to your local domain or to another network?
 Sent from an account on your local domain, or not?


"Yaaay!  I'm all for that!  Anything that lessens paperwork!"
"Don't be so quick about that..."
"Okay!  Down with I-Time!  Boooo!"
 -- just another NCC meeting

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