I would've said perhaps NIS issues, but that doesn't seem to be a factor
here since your on a cobalt. You need physical access to the box, and you
need to login as root and check the logs; chances are messages or secure
will have the info you're looking for. Could be a problem with PAM, but
cobalt also has it's own funny stuff going on. Could also always be HD
issues. Can you administer the machine as the admin user via the http
If all else fails, follow the instructions for resetting the admin password
from the hardware. That'll also reset the root password, and maybe you can
go from there. Remeber with Cobalts though, I think you have to login as
the admin user at a console then su as root. I dont' think you can su to
root from any other user. Not sure though.
Also, I've had good luck when I had to work on Cobalt machine's with their
tech support. Though I haven't had to deal with them since they were bought
out (by Sun, right?) so I don't know what it's like now. Sun certainly
killed Netscape's server support when they did that iPlanet nonsense.
Sorry this message is so scatterbrained...having a crazy morning here...
Good luck,
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Christian MacAuley
> Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 9:58 AM
> Subject: [techtalk] passwords don't work
> Hi, everyone.
> I have a linux web server that i normally contact by SSH and FTP. Right
> now, neither those nor telnet work. Every time i try to connect i get
> a login prompt but as soon as i type my password, nothing happens. What
> might cause this? If i bring a dummy terminal over to the box (which
> seems to be the only way i'll be able to access it) what can i do to
> fix it?
> Thanks for any help,
> Christian
> PS: You might have noticed i posted the same problem in more detail a
> few days ago. I'm trying again because i'm desperate!
> -----------------------------
> Christian MacAuley
> work - http://colortheory.net
> play - http://jellspace.net
> -----------------------------
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