NIS is, occasionally, the bane of my existence. The latest is the following
error whenever I run make in the /var/yp directory (this log is what shows
up on the slave server; the master just says the slave is timing out):
ypserv[31065]: ^I<domainname>/netid.byname already open.
ypserv[31065]: ypproc_xfr: refuse to transfer netid.byname from <master>,
map doesn't exist
Same error messages show up with the netgroup maps (netgroup,
netgroup.byhost, netgroup.byuser). Thing is, these maps exist, on both
slave and master. This has apparently been this way since I started working
here, so I've no way of telling what happened to make it stop working. Arg.
Any hints? Couldn't find anything on google or the NIS FAQs I saw...
Brian Sweeney
"The life expectancy of an unpatched, default installation of Red Hat 6.2
server is three days. The last time we attempted to confirm this, the system
was compromised in eight hours."
-The Honeynet Project
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