Brian Sweeney wrote:
> Hey all-
> I realize this is COMPLETELY off topic for techtalk, but I'm throwing in a
> couple places anyway; I guess this is my internet equivalent of "shouting it
> from the hills".
> Which is to say...


> Which brings me to the next thing...if anyone's got advice on planning a
> wedding real quick-like, please let me know.  Neither of us is too
> constrained by religious doctrine (I don't have one, and her's is simple),
> so we've got lots of freedom.  We've already got the place picked out and
> setup and the food set.  But there's sooooo much more to do...

The first time I married we ran off to Reno -- count as fast
enough? ;-)

Catering is a snap, generally.  Plan simple and be very flexible
with what you plan to serve, if you're even going to do that.

For places to have the ceremony, most of the places people have
weddings are likely booked already, so think about non-traditional
venues, like a Bed & Breakfast with a nice garden.  A couple I
know down here did that and it was a very nice ceremony.  Except
it was a Texas summer.  Small parks may work as well.

Assuming your g/f has a church home, her minister/priest/rabbi
might be the first place to ask, but they may well be booked
already.  Alternatives include Justice of the Peace, friend
of the family who's a judge, your Mayor (if it's a small town
and you know them), friends who are religious leaders of other
faiths than your g/f's.  People other than religious leaders
can perform weddings -- so think creative if you're pressed for
time and still don't have someone.  I think certain military
officers can even perform weddings.  Check your state laws on
the matter.  Oh, and don't forget things like birth certificates
and marriage licenses -- that or run over to Nevada where you
can get married on a driver's license the same day, no blood
test ...
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