On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 04:17:17PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi, Scott,
> > Why do I bother reading this stuff?
> I don't know, but it belongs on grrltalk or issues, not here, methinks.
> Oh, and Mr. Coursey can belittle those of us who believe that Linux has a
> future as a server, on the desktop, and as a threat to Microsoft. That
> doesn't make him right. Linux isn't likely to "Balkanize" like UNIX did,
> either. The situations are very, very different.
> There are many more Microsoft zealots than Linux ones. I don't see the
> point of posting FUD from one of them on a Linux technical list,
> but then again, I'm already accused of blind religious adherence ...
well said, Caity.
It' s always been a popular and readily used technique of dispute to,
if you run out of proper arguments, try to silence your opponents by
making ridicule of them or try to manoeuver them in a position where
they risk looking stupid if they dare to go on as they normally would
have. Not even in that respect Mr. Coursey is being very original.
- Almut
(not directed against you Scott, for posting the article)
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