I have multiple SCSI drives and do RAID 10 and installed SUSE 7.1 with no
problems. The set up program YAST 2 regonized my SCSI card and things went
without a hitch. I hope that this helps.

All the best,


> My experience has been that Linux supports SCSI very well indeed,
> as does Redhat; but SuSE isn't quite as good, because you have to
> know what SCSI controller you have (which usually means knowing what
> chip is in it and who makes it).  For instance, I have one of those
> mini-SCSI cards that came with a Jaz drive several years ago; Redhat
> recognized it and auto-configured it during the install process, but
> SuSE didn't recognize it, and asked me at the end of the install
> to choose from a list of kernels each of which supported one SCSI
> card (none of which matched my card, which calls itself an IOmega
> but I think was actually made by Adaptec; which Adaptec it corresponds
> to is anyone's guess).  I expect SuSE would have run just fine if I
> had taken the time to research what the card really was and map it
> to the short list of cards for which SuSE offered kernels.
> --
>         ...Akkana      http://www.shallowsky.com
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