>web pages, cgi...  I think these type of situations are subjective to >its 
>environment.  Because typically a web master is responsible for >"nuts and 
>bolts"-server, services, development.

Thanks for responding (and to everyone else who has responded too!)
I've been wondering about this, too--whether webmasters are also the 
sysadmins over the boxes, too.  In our situation, we have a webmaster who 
uploads files, comes up with policies and procedures, trains staff, etc. I 
was supposed to be the sysadmin over the web servers, and to be her backup 
on uploading when she's absent. Now, they're trying to reorganize, and 
they're proposing to make the webmaster a "creative director" of a 
communications dept., taking over the policies & procedures part, along with 
the creative design end, create a new "web team leader" position who uploads 
files, trains staff, and attends meetings.

In our dept., we have four people doing sysadmin work with the servers, and 
we don't let the applications developers have root access--we maintain all 
the services on the boxes, they just develop on them.

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