in response to the idea of bringing linux into the mainstream ... i've
found that LUG participation focuses in almost all cases primarily on this
cause. the majority of time i've spent at lug meetings has been educating
the new comers to linux or else thinking of ways to invite more people.
one of the most momentous meetings was when a fairly old couple .. not to
stereotype or anything .. but they were pretty "woodsy" (to refrain from
the usage of 'redneck') .. initially, my thoughts were oh god .. teaching
these people is going to be hell. then they busted in on our conversation
saying "yeah, we just installed redhat and were wondering ..." needless
to say, we were all very impressed and this was also very inspiring.
i believe that more and more people are getting fed up with microsoft ..
whether it be for the whole anti-trust case, the flaws in the windows
operating system, or just the hype about a "new" operating system called
linux. they here about linux as free, and generally, most people who run
linux love it .. hence, they run it. this motivates people to get out and
experience more.
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