Do you mean you are trying to setup ipmasquerading?

(You have multiple machines behind one box which does NAT translation
because you can only get one IP from your ISP and/or want a firewall to
protect your network)

- Kath

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelly McQuarrie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 03, 2001 12:07 AM
Subject: [techtalk] cable modem & gateway

> Hello all:
> I've been on this mail list for a couple of weeks but
> this is the first time I've needed to ask a question
> and I'm always so behind on my email that I can nevery
> answer any questions (they've always already been
> answered.)  I can't answer that many anyway.
> Anyway greetings all 8)
> I need help.  I'm trying to set up a cable modem with
> my redhat 7.1 box as a gateway.
> I'm getting an error everytime I get a packet from the
> cable modem...
> Jun 2 20:47:07 localhost kernel: eth0: (13) System
> Error Occured
> the (13) represents the number of times I've received
> the error.
> Any ideas?  I've never done this before so don't be
> afraid of suggesting the obvious.
> Thx
> -Kelly
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