On Fri, Jun 01, 2001 at 05:48:21AM -0700 or thereabouts, Michelle Dukich wrote:
> Hello fellow Chix:
> I am trying to uninstall Nautilus and my google
> searches to find help all point to Eazel, which is
> dead since they went under.  Does anyone have the
> instructions they can send out?  

As someone else said, if you're using a package manager, use
that and honour the dependencies. You should also be able to
remove ammonite, eel, medusa and a couple of other things I 

I seem to recall Eazel did rpms but didn't do debs, so I assume
it's rpm you're using: rpm -e therefore. 

There is a nautilus list which is still running at the old address
although I believe it's really hosted on someone's home machine
now: http://lists.eazel.com/mailman/listinfo/nautilus-list (I just
checked the last month's archives, though, and no uninstall questions
came up.) 

A general tip I have found useful for sites that have very recently
disappeared, whether temporarily or permanently: Google's cache :) 
Where it says "Cached" by it, click on that. Following links from the 
cached page is more of a problem, but you can use their "search a site" 
feature  (after your word to search on, add 'site://www.some.site' only 
without the quotes) and follow the cache links. Of course, it only works 
when the site has recently disappeared. I don't know how regularly they
send their little googlebots around to update things. 


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