Hmmm..should've seen this sooner. Looks like I'm having permissions issues.
Must've dropped a -p flag somewhere. I changed all the /bin, /sbin, and
/etc permissions appropriately. Now it boots and I get the following
(RedHat stuff):
(lots of services start ok; sendmail complains 'cause of a permission
problem. I'll fix that later.)
Starting SMB services: OK
Starting NMB services: OK
Starting local
...and it just sits there. The / fs hard drive seems active, but nothing
else happens.
I *KNOW* I'm missing something simple. I'm just really tired and really
frustrated and what should've been a relatively easy system restore (all the
user data was on a different partition, just need /) has turned into an 8
hour fiasco for various reasons.
Thanks in advance,
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Brian Sweeney
> Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 12:20 AM
> To: Techtalk@Linuxchix. Org
> Subject: [techtalk] bare metal recovery nightmare
> 'lo all-
> K', so it's not quite bare-metal, but it's close enough. Lost the root fs
> on a production server I've got. No prob, have it backed up to tape, but
> for various reasons can't get it right over. Had to copy several times
> first; scp -rp and cp -Rpv. Now I'm getting lots of complaints...most
> obvious was "mount: only root can do that"; looked like it was related to
> /proc.
> This was really just root fs stuff /var and /usr, /home and
> others were all
> on other partitions. Don't know why it's upset.
> Sorry to be curt; been working on this for hours and I'm exhausted.
> Suggestions? Thanks.
> -Brian
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