> Now I have checked the idiot things (Volume up on speakers, in XMMS, in sound 
> mixer, is it plugged in etc).  I also did "cat /proc/modules" and saw that 
> emu10k1 was loaded (I think).
> [kath@localhost kath]$ cat /proc/modules
> emu10k1                44384   1 (autoclean)
> via82cxxx_audio        16800   1
> soundcore               3504   6 [emu10k1 via82cxxx_audio]
> ac97_codec              8688   0 [via82cxxx_audio]
> af_packet              11280   1 (autoclean)
> e100                   41488   1 (autoclean)
> mousedev                3936   1
> usbmouse                1792   0 (unused)
> input                   3232   0 [mousedev usbmouse]
> usb-uhci               20672   0 (unused)
> usbcore                47248   1 [usbmouse usb-uhci]
> nls_iso8859-1           2848   5 (autoclean)
> nls_cp850               3584   5 (autoclean)
> vfat                    9040   5 (autoclean)
> fat                    30720   0 (autoclean) [vfat]
> supermount             32496   4 (autoclean)

I don't see the sound module loaded, try 

modprobe sound

and see if it helps. also, i dont know specifics about the sblive but
unless it's the emu10k1 module, that's not loaded either. All i
see is the hideous via82cxxx audio module, probably from a
motherboard's built-in audio circuitry. Perhaps hunting
for a sblive-howto document would help :)

        - Roadmaster

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