Despite the fact that my problem involves a couple of SCO OpenServers and an NT4 Workstation I hope someone can give me little more insight into NTP and/or SNTP. My setup: 1 OpenServer which acts as time source 3 OpenServers which synchronize their clocks to the first one. 1 NT4 Workstation which tries to synchronize to the first OpenServer. All Unix machines are running xntpd, and the NT machine is running either timeserv or Tardis which use SNTP. The Unix machines are all configured the same way: RTC and System Clock run local time, timezone is CET (+1) and they're compensating for daylight savings time (DST). The NT machine is configured similarly. My problem is that: All Unix machines get the correct time from the master server, but the Workstation gets one hour ahead. And now... the question: As I understand it NTP distributes time as UTC so it isn't affected by local time zones. But, does DST affect UTC? And, can anyone of you spot any immediate errors in the master configuration file? ---- server # LCL (Local Clock) fudge stratum 12 # increase stratum driftfile /etc/ntp.drift logconfig =syncevents +peerevents +sysevents +allclock ---- /Hans __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices _______________________________________________ techtalk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]